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Fred Liers PhD alkalinize rapidly using pH AdjustYou’ve heard it before. Eat more fruits and vegetables to be alkaline. Consume more alkaline-forming foods. Eat fewer acid-forming foods to avoid acidosis. Balance your pH levels.

Maybe you’ve even studied lists or charts of acid- and alkaline-forming foods to encourage dietary choices for creating proper acid-alkaline balance.

It’s no secret that acid-alkaline balance is important for health. In fact, it is well established that pH levels in the range of 7.35–7.45 provide many benefits. The facts are the facts, and the science is sound.

ph value foods acid alkaline ph adjust
Consuming more alkaline-forming fruits and vegetables can help maintain proper pH in the body.

Yet, if creating alkalinity were that simple, then why are most individual’s pH levels acidic instead of alkaline? What can be done to remedy the endemic (and epidemic!) levels of acidosis we see today?

Consuming potassium-rich fruits and vegetables remains the most important means for maintaining alkaline conditions in the body. However, taking pH Adjust powder supplement is an effective adjunct not only for helping balance pH levels, but rapidly producing an alkaline state conducive to optimal health.


A pH of 7 is considered neutral. A slightly alkaline pH level – like 7.4 – is best for health, of course.

Known benefits of ideal pH levels (slightly alkaline) include:

• Optimal function of enzymes
• Proper mineral retention, including electrolyte reserves
• Better tissue oxygenation
• Beneficial effects on microbiome

Dietary intake of alkaline-forming foods is the most obvious way of supporting proper pH. Consuming a diet rich in alkaline forming foods, such as fruits and vegetables (particularly leafy green vegetables) and vegetable juices are proven means for successfully balancing the effects of acid-forming foods like meats, and most grains and starches (simple carbohydrates).

Vegetables and fruits contain potassium. Evidence shows that potassium is critical for producing alkaline conditions in the body.

Known factors producing overly acidic conditions in the body include consuming meats, sugar, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates like wheat, corn, rice, and most pastas and breads.


Despite the certain knowledge that consuming vegetables, vegetable juices, and certain fruits helps balance pH, most people’s pH levels are overly acidic. I personally know many people, often vegetarians, whose pH levels are perfectly within the range suggested for optimal health.

Yet, I also see that most people do not consume sufficient alkaline-forming foods (specifically vegetables and vegetable juices), and therefore I am not surprised that the pH levels of most people are overly acidic.

What people in the thick of life may not realize is the degree to which acidosis—chronic or otherwise—is taking a toll of their health. And how maintaining alkalinity can improve health, longevity and quality of life. Or how easy it can be to create and sustain alkaline conditions using diet and dietary supplements.


Government statistics show that individuals by far do not consume recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. It makes me wonder what foods the average individual or family consumes daily. Fast foods, fried foods, GMO foods, sugar-laden foods, and processed foods, as well as artificial additives, pesticides and agricultural chemicals are not conducive to alkaline conditions.

Neither are high-nitrogen foods, like red meats and most high-protein animal foods, especially when over-consumed—and not balanced by potassium-rich plant foods.

It seems the diet and lifestyle of most people are such that they are overly acidic. This may be considered a symptom of “modern” life. Yet, while the acid-alkaline balance of ancient diets—and even the diets of Westerners into the 20th century may have been fundamentally better (i.e., more alkaline-forming), the principles of pH balance remain the same. The pH levels of individuals subsisting on grains in any historical period would be relatively acidic.

Beyond low potassium intake from vegetables and fruits, other factors associated with over acidity include alcohol and most pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and artificial colorings, low nutrient intake, chemical exposure, pollution, lack of exercise, shallow breathing, and chronic stress.

Given the prevalence of these factors, is it any wonder that maintaining alkaline conditions in the body has become difficult for the average person?

Some effects of acidosis:

• Fatigue
• Being “out of breath” easily and asthmatic symptoms
• Muscle cramping or pain—even with little exertion
• Feeling like can’t get sufficient air (low tissue oxygenation)
• Skin problems
• Allergies
• Headaches
• Weight gain

Importantly, studies indicate that long-term acidosis is linked to certain health conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, and other adverse conditions.


The answer for maintaining alkalinity is to consume plenty of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Most people know that it is important to eat 4–6 servings of vegetables daily. Yet, how many actually do? And why is that?

Not unlike taking daily multivitamins and sufficient quantities of basic dietary supplements, maintaining proper pH levels is easier said than done for most people. It just is.

For example, what if you normally consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables, but you are traveling? Or find yourself on a given day not maintaining sufficient intake to maintain optimal pH balance? Or inadvertently become exposed to “factors” that create acidosis?

If you regularly consume sufficient levels of vegetables, vegetable juices, and certain fruits, you will most likely be slightly alkaline most of the time. If you do not, then you will either need to increase your intake of these potassium-rich foods, or try something else, or both.

How do I know this? Because despite my rather large intake of vegetables, vegetable juices, and fruits, I discovered that I am myself not always sufficiently alkaline. When I recently used litmus paper to test my pH levels, I found to my surprise that I am not *always* as alkaline as I should be.

Fortunately, my father Hank Liers, who is our company’s formulator and founder, had something brewing in his mind the last few years.

Just as I was deeply wondering how to squeeze more vegetable juices into my busy schedule…he develops a formula that forever changes my perspective on acid-alkaline balance, not to mention keeping me alkaline — like all the time.

It is amazing and it is “something else.” He calls it pH Adjust. And that is what it does—adjust your pH—and fast!

pH Adjust
pH ADJUST can safely and effective alkalinize the body.


After taking a single dose of pH Adjust, my pH “litmus” paper turned from light-ish green to deep purple.

After taking a dose every day for 10 days, my litmus test paper is dark blue to purple nearly all the time.

In addition, my father, Dr. Hank, has noticed that by taking a single large dose (a rounded teaspoon) every morning upon arising and measuring his urinary pH levels shortly before taking the dose, his morning pH levels are consistently in the 6.8 to 8.0 range. Before initiating this practice his morning urinary pH range was 6.2 to 6.6. Using this same protocol, my mother has experienced the same pattern of morning urinary pH values.

Of course, urinary (and salivary) pH measurements over the day will show significant variations depending upon your dietary habits. However, it was noticed that the trend was to have the pH increase over time as the protocol was rigorously followed.

What changed? Well, our pH levels have changed—toward alkalinity—for one thing. For another thing, I notice I have greater stamina, breathe easier, and just “feel” better.

Another unexpected benefit: my teeth feel stronger. Go figure! I thought about it and I see that my body must be retaining minerals better.

When the body is acidic, minerals are required to “buffer” the acidity. The body will even pull minerals from bones or teeth to buffer acidity because it tries to balance acidity any way it can.

Does this mean you can stop eating vegetables—and just take pH Adjust? Absolutely “no” because your diet remains the single most important factor in keeping your body slightly alkaline. If anything, your intake of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables (like kale and other leafy greens) should increase or at least be maintained, if it is already sufficiently abundant in these foods.

The arrival of pH Adjust just means there is a highly effective tool (supplement) to help maintain proper acid-alkaline balance beyond your diet alone. It means that whenever your pH levels dip into an acidic zone, you can rapidly and effectively return yourself to an alkaline state independently of your immediate dietary circumstances. From this perspective, pH Adjust is like an insurance policy: a useful means to attain alkalinity if and when diet alone is not enough. That’s why pH Adjust is a dietary “supplement.”

I cannot guarantee you will get the exact results I obtained. Your results will depend on your diet, level of acidity, and exposure to other factors known to determine pH levels. Nevertheless, the science behind the development of pH Adjust is based on the fact that certain key forms of minerals like potassium and sodium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate create alkaline conditions in the body.


pH Adjust is a fluffy, mild-tasting power formula you add to water, juice, or other liquid drinks in small amounts (about 1/4 teaspoon) that rapidly “adjusts” your pH levels toward alkaline.

pH Adjust contains potassium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium glycinate, and sodium bicarbonate. A one gram serving (about a rounded ¼ tsp) contains about 300 mg of bicarbonate, 260 mg of carbonate, 142 mg of potassium, 105 mg of magnesium, 48 mg of sodium, and 100 mg of glycine.

Potassium, sodium, and magnesium are key minerals involved in many important functions in the body. When combined in bicarbonates (potassium & sodium), carbonates (magnesium), and glycinate (potassium) they help to adjust and balance pH levels essential to optimal body function.

You can read more in depth about pH Adjust on our product page.


For years, health professionals have advocated the use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) for its alkalinizing effects and the benefits associated with balanced pH levels.

Baking soda is cheap and effective, but consuming it has drawbacks. Its key flaw is sodium. Sodium bicarbonate provides relatively too much sodium (salt), and as such, its consumption must be monitored so as to avoid elevated sodium levels. Too high sodium levels create known risks for high blood pressure (hypertension) and cardiovascular health.

pH Adjust is formulated to avoid high sodium levels. One key to the formula is its 3:1 ratio of potassium to sodium. These are balanced amounts, as well as levels the body itself favors in terms of absorption and retention. Moreover, these levels maintain a balance known to be heart-healthy and that keep the formula low in sodium, when used as directed.

Most individuals already consume sufficient (or more than sufficient) sodium, and therefore require other minerals to balance that intake. pH Adjust not only contains low levels of sodium, but also provides minerals (potassium, magnesium) needed to balance sodium levels in the body.

ph Adjust
A refreshing glass of water with pH Adjust. Can alkalinizing get any simpler?


Taste is another advantage of pH Adjust. Baking soda literally tastes “salty” because it is full of sodium. For a long while, I used baking soda to balance my pH levels toward greater alkalinity.

I stopped taking baking soda not only because my dietary intake of alkaline-forming foods is usually sufficient (relative to the average person), but also because I no longer could stomach the salty taste. I continue to “slug” down baking soda every now and then, but I have to suppress my overriding desire to spit it out—it’s simply too salty!

Imagine me now: happily drinking my pH Adjust in water every morning (and sometimes afternoon) which tastes good! I cannot actually say it tastes like a dessert because it is more like neutral to slightly sweet in taste (partly due to its glycine content). It goes down smoothly with no detectable “salty” taste.


I would say pH Adjust has everything I would ask for in an alkalinizing, pH balancing formula. It alkalinizes me–FAST! It provides critical minerals required for health in balanced amounts, including potassium and magnesium in easily assimilated forms. It is low in sodium. It tastes good. What more can you ask for?

pH Adjust probably is the most sophisticated alkalinizing formula available. Certainly it is better than calcium- and chemical-laden antacids, which I would never take anyway. pH Adjust’s elegant design makes baking soda seem plain and salty by comparison not to mention highly imbalanced in terms of its mineral content.


No one can really know the effects of such an excellent pH balancing formula as pH Adjust without accurately measuring their pH levels. That is the reason HPDI offers Hydrion litmus paper, which is simply a litmus paper for measuring pH.

Whether you use Hydrion brand papers won’t make a difference. Any good-quality litmus paper should work just fine. Use a small, one- or two-inch strip of pH paper to quickly dip into a saliva or urine sample (i.e., to test salivary or urinary pH). Hint: urinary pH tends to be more accurate because saliva tends to be affected by foods. Test salivary pH well away from meals.

hydrion litmus paper ph Adjust

Order a container or two of pH Adjust, which we’ve purposefully kept low cost so both health professionals and individuals can make it a regular part of their pH balancing regimes. At $19.95 for retail customers (and less for HPDI resellers/wholesale customers), you will see that there is significant value for the price of pH Adjust.

As for serving size, one container provides 250 one-gram servings (about a rounded 1/4 teaspoon). Even if you were to take larger amounts (like I do), say up to one teaspoon daily, there would be nearly 63 servings per container. That’s enough for two full months of servings assuming daily usage.


For every person I know whose pH levels lean toward acidic end of the spectrum, there is a container of pH Adjust waiting to be opened. Seriously though, if you’re not getting quite enough potassium-rich vegetables in your diet (or think you are but actually are not), then please consider pH Adjust your supplemental “friend-in-need.”

And if you (or your clients) suffer from long-term, chronic acidosis due to a potential variety of causes, then you have much more to gain. Stop the spiral of acidity from keeping you from attaining much better balanced pH levels—and thereby improved health—by trying our simple blend of minerals in bicarbonate, carbonate, and glycinate forms, called pH Adjust.

Then measure your pH using litmus paper—and see the difference for yourself. Litmus paper doesn’t lie, and it gives you a reliable indicator of the progress you’re making and your current pH status in real time.

After using pH Adjust and measuring your results with litmus paper, then decide for yourself. Is pH Adjust worth its name? Does it effectively help you balance your pH? We think your answer will be “yes.” We believe you will love pH Adjust as much as we love it.

Be alkaline!!




List of acid-forming and alkaline forming foods

Hydrion Litmus Paper

hydrion ph paper litmus ph adjust

  1. My Doctor has me on 6 Magnesium Glycinate 120 mg. A.M. & P.M and 8 Bi-Carb Sodium Potassium Bicarbonate 250 mg. this is what it took to get my Ph to 7.8. Of course I have autoimmune disease Hashimoto’s & Epstein-Barr. His supplements are so dang expensive! How would I take Ph Adjust to get the same results? I’m sure it would be more that 1/4 tsp. right?

    1. We estimate you would need to take 7 1/4 tsp of pH ADJUST to get about the same results for magnesium, glycine, and bicarbonate. We don’t know the breakout of sodium and potassium, but guess that pH ADJUST has a higher (better) ratio of potassium to sodium. Since there are 250 servings in a bottle of pH ADJUST, you should get about 35 days at 7 1/4 tsp per day. Therefore, at a price of less than $20.00/bottle you would pay less than $20.00/month to get the results you is looking for. This would be significantly less than what you pay now.

      Formulator Hank Liers personally takes about 6 1/4 tsp daily and finds that his between meals/morning urinary pH is in the range of 7.2-7.6. Of course, diet is an important factor so someone else’s pH may be higher (more acid diet) or lower (more alkaline diet) depending on dietary factors.

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