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Dr. Hank Liers, PhD genetic testing bodysync

Last fall we exhibited at the American Academy for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) annual meeting and were delighted to discover BodySync, a company specializing in genetic testing. BodySync is committed to empowering individuals to make informed nutrition and fitness decisions based on their key personal genetic data.

BodySync’s novel approach to personal wellness incorporates advanced genotyping and lifestyle analyses of genes which research has shown to have impact on nutrient metabolism and fitness capacity.

Developed by leading genetic scientists, genomic nutritionists, kinesiologists, and bioinformaticians, BodySync’s clinically tested DNA Nutrition and Fitness Systems are used by thousands of health care professionals, physicians, and researchers around the world.

Genetic Testing

In our discussions it became clear there is a good match between what BodySync scientists learn from genetic testing and the high-quality products Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI) offers that can be used to correct for nutritional deficiencies identified in the testing.

It is HPDI’s intention to associate with BodySync by introducing our professional clients to the test, including selling the test on our Reseller website and offering our recommended products to health professionals and their patients who participate in BodySync’s genetic testing.


The first insights of how nutritional genomics will impact personal health have already begun to be appreciated. As research goes forward, we expect a continually expanding knowledge base that promises to have extensive benefits for health care in general and personal health in particular.

Major Anticipated Contributions

  • Greater understanding of the role of genetics in health and disease (particularly chronic disease)
  • More effective therapeutic interventions for dealing with existing disease.
  • Early identification of disease susceptibility and initiation of risk reduction strategies.
  • A shift within health care from a disease management focus to one of health promotion and disease prevention.
  • Identification of the molecular mechanisms underpinning the interactions among genes and environmental factors, including components in food.
  • Individualization of dietary choices based on a person’s genotype.
  • A new dimension to food, one of genes being dietary targets with food having the ability to change gene expression.
  • Changes in food choices, including: a) increased selection of functional foods that scientific research has shown to reduce susceptibility to diet-related diseases, b) isolation and purification of bioactive food components for use in development of new functional foods or for enrichment of commonly eaten foods and dietary supplements.
  • Public health messages conveying the role of genes and environment in health and disease and the ability of food to modify the outcome of these interactions, allowing diet and health to be tailored to an individual’s genetic variations.
  • Empowerment of consumers to take responsibility for their health through enhanced knowledge of appropriate food choices for their genotype.

Such benefits will be possible because of existing and emerging research findings associated with nutritional genomics, as described in the points that follow.


One such finding is the discovery that there is the molecular equivalent of communication between genes and environmental factors, including bioactive molecules found in food. Our genes impact how we respond to different food choices. Likewise, the food choices we make influence the “goodness-of-fit” between us and our environment as well as the expression of our genes.

The sum total of these interactions adds up to whether we will survive and thrive in a particular environment. For conditions that are diet-related, there is the potential to modify disease expression and severity by changing key environmental factors, such as our food and lifestyle choices.


Another finding is the recognition that each individual is genetically unique. Although all human beings share virtually the same type and amount of genetic information, subtle differences—called genetic variations—make each of us slightly different, from our physical appearance to our responses to food. Advances in genetic technology make it possible to detect these genetic variations so that each person’s genetic signature can be identified and factored into our diet and lifestyle choices. This knowledge is leading to more personalized medical care, as well as a sense of personal responsibility for one’s health.


An important finding is that many of today’s common, chronic diseases are, in part, diet-related. These diseases are being associated with particular genes and, within those genes, with specific genetic variations and their interaction with specific bioactive components within food.

Many disease outcomes, including those for which we are genetically susceptible, may be increasingly modifiable through targeted diet and lifestyle choices, affording us new approaches to managing existing disease and the potential for preventing future disease. As specific bioactive components in food are identified and isolated, food will take on a new dimension.

Particular foods will be promoted as beneficial for particular genetic variations. New functional foods will be available and some of the purified bioactive food components will be used to fortify commonly eaten foods.


BodySync Personal Genetics provides advanced nutrition and fitness tools to individuals, healthcare professionals, and organizations seeking a proactive and more personal approach to wellness. BodySync DNA Nutrition and Fitness™ Assessments and Solutions Systems are based on multi-patented suites of well-researched gene/nutrient and gene/fitness associations.

BodySync’s genotyping services are carried out in a wholly owned, CLIA-Certified laboratory. Customer data is processed through proprietary Gene/Lifestyle™ Integration technology in secure data centers.

Simple Action Plans designed to improve nutrition and fitness programs are prepared based upon assessment results and personal questionnaire data. The following figure shows an aspect of the benefits of the BodySync Action Plan.

Benefits of BodySync Action Plan genetic testing


BodySync develops DNA Assessments targeting gene/nutrient and gene/fitness connections that are backed by well-established clinical research. Analyzing a carefully selected but robust number of genes, BodySync DNA™ Nutrition and Fitness Assessments focus on genetic variations that have been frequently associated with an individual’s ability to metabolize specific nutrients and benefit from certain types of exercise.

BodySync develops a variety of genetic assessments for different wellness applications, and are focused on healthy nutrition and/or fitness measures that can be implemented at home. BodySync DNA Assessments are simple and practical. Individuals provide DNA-rich cheek swab samples to BodySync’s in-house CLIA-Certified DNA Laboratory, along with an in-depth, online LifeStyle Questionnaire.

Genetic assessment results are combined with questionnaire data using BodySync’s proprietary Gene/Lifestyle™ Integration Technology, which generates an Action Plan that includes nutrient metabolism and detailed athletic profiling information.


BodySync Action Plans are prepared in easy-to-understand language, including simple graphics, and provide guidance on achieving nutrition and/or fitness goals. Customers can update the LifeStyle Questionnaire periodically and receive new Action Plans to track progress. The genetic data underpinning BodySync Action Plans can be used to “genotype,” generating updated nutrition and fitness programs, or create new personalized meal and workout planning programs.

BodySync’s highly sophisticated and individualized nutrition and fitness strategy tools are not replacements for expert advice from a certified personal training professional and/or physician. BodySync DNA Assessments are neither diagnostic nor predictive of disease and are not available to the public as stand-alone products.

BodySync technology is designed to develop unique assessments and are available through a select group of distributors, physicians, health care, nutrition, fitness, gym, and corporate wellness professionals.


BodySync DNA Assessments target gene/nutrient and gene/fitness associations based on well-researched, clinically documented genetic correlations to nutrient metabolism and exercise benefit potential.

BodySync DNA Assessment and Solutions Systems can provide individuals with important insight into gene and lifestyle factors that may play a role in enhanced nutrition and fitness. It this way it may help individuals and organizations identify potentially new wellness opportunities based on genetics.


Knowledge about genes and lifestyle can provide important guidance on which nutrients can potentially work most effectively with your system. BodySync DNA Nutrition™ Systems include key genetic assessments, practical action plans, and important data that can help individuals and organizations add personalization to diet strategies. This can transform personal nutrition based on the vast potential of nutrigenetic science.

Initially designed for nutrition professionals, BodySync DNA Nutrition™ Assessments, Action Plans, and Solutions Systems provide individuals with practical dietary insights and advice based on a combination of an advanced nutrigenetic analysis and online LifeStyle Questionnaire results.


The genetic data providing the foundation of BodySync Nutrition Action Plans can be used to “genotype,” update existing nutrition programs, or create new meal planning systems, based on an individual’s nutrigenetic profile. BodySync genetically guided nutrition systems can be adapted to help organizations develop and enhance ongoing nutrition programs, as well as help individuals strive to reach their genetic nutrition potential.

BodySync’s DNA Nutrition Assessments include a personal Action Plan, which can provide the basis for a host of genetically guided nutrition products and services, including the development of highly personalized diet regimens and companion products.

BodySync DNA Nutrition Assessments are the subject of ongoing nutrigenomic clinical studies designed to validate the utility of genetics in supporting healthy nutrition.



Once a medical professional gives a patient a NutriSync Assessment package, the patient registers online, completes an online Lifestyle Survey, collects their DNA using the provided cheek swabs, and send their cheek swabs to our CLIA-certified laboratory. The patient’s DNA results are combined with their LifeStyle Survey answers using an advanced Gene/Lifestyle™ Integration Technology. About a month later, the medical professional receives a Report Summary for the patient. 48 hours later, the patient will be notified via email that their NutriSync Action Plan is ready to view on their HIPAA-secure, private web portal.BodySync genetic testing


In the next several months we hope to start selling the NutriSync Assessment package on our Reseller website. In addition, we will prepare a blog article providing many details concerning the genetic testing that is done in the NutriSync Assessment program. On our Retail website we will provide information concerning the NutriSync Assessment package and how a person can learn more and sign up for the program.



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