Frequently Asked Questions About Our Products

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Dr. Hank Liers, PhD productsWe frequently receive questions about our products and share the answers with you on our blog. If you have questions please e-mail us at support(at) We will answer your questions directly, and likely include your question and our answer in a future products FAQ blog article.



Q. How Much Protein is in Rejuvenate! Plus and What are the Sources?

Rejuvenate! PlusA. The protein (11.7 gm total per serving) profile in Rejuvenate! Plus is 30% rice protein (organic & non-GMO), 16% vegetable sprouts/pea protein (organic), 11% hemp protein (organic), 11% protein from chlorella, 9% protein from alfalfa grass, 7% from spirulina (Hawaii Pacifica), 6% from flax seeds (organic), 3% from nutritional yeast, and the rest from miscellaneous other ingredients. This is a beautiful blend of a large number of healthy protein sources!!

The rice protein we do use amounts to 5.0 gm per 31 gram serving and is a blend of 80% Orzatein (organic) from China and 47.5% non-gmo grown in California. The net amount of the 80% orzatein (organic) from China in the product is 3.3 grams (a small amount!). Please be advised that we routinely test Rejuvenate! Plus for heavy metals and have never seen significant amounts of any heavy metals.

Personally, four members of my family including me take 1 or 2 servings of Rejuvenate! Plus daily and have done so for many years with excellent results. We are very particular about the foods we put in our body!!

Q. What are the Sources of Enzymes, Soy, and Vitamin D3 in Rejuvenate! Plus?

A. The enzymes are plant based. Protease Enzymes from Aspergillus oryzae ferment. Cellulase Enzymes from Trichoderma oryzae ferment. Alpha-Galactosidase enzymes from Aspergillus niger ferment. CereCalase enzymes (contains hemicellulase, beta-glucanase & phytase) from Aspergillus niger ferment.

The product contains d-alpha tocopheryl succinate. This ingredient is characterized as “soy-antigen free” because of the way it is processed. PCR testing reveals no soy protein even though it originally comes from soy. High-gamma mixed tocopherols is characterized as “soy-antigen free” because of the way it is processed. PCR testing reveals no soy protein even though it originally comes from soy.

The Vitamin D3 is extracted from lanolin. Lanolin is extracted from wool (sheep).

Q. What Form of Vitamin B3 is in Rejuvenate! Plus and will It Cause Flushing?

A. There is 40 mg of the B3 in Rejuvenate! Plus as niacinamide. This form of B3 will not cause flushing.

Q. What Part of the Aloe Vera Plant is in Your Rejuvenate Plus Product?

A. Rejuvenate! Plus contains Organic ActivAloe® 200:1 from gel that is made into a powder.

Q. Do Your Rejuvenate! Products Contain Any Nut or Soy Allergens?

Rejuveante OriginalA. I checked with the manufacturer and was assured that there is no soy or nut allergens in the Rejuvenate, Rejuvenate Plus, or Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs products.

Q. How Do You Make Rejuvenate! Original Lemonade?

A. Rejuvenate! Original lemonade consists of one scoop of Rejuvenate! Original, 2–3 tablespoons of organic lemon juice (fresh or Santa Cruz brand), and 2–3 tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup. Put these ingredients in a one-quart glass Mason jar and fill with purified water (and maybe some ice made from purified water). Some people like to add a bit of cayenne. This is a great summertime drink!

Q. How Much Rice Bran Oil is in Complete E?

A. There is approximately 250 mg of rice bran oils per capsule in addition to the Vitamin E. The profile of fatty acids is approximately 38% monounsaturated, 37% polyunsaturated, and 25% saturated fatty acids. This amounts to about 100 mg of polyunsaturated fatty acids per capsule. Very little, but useful!

Q. I Want to Know More About the Black Soybean Hull Extract in Ultimate Protector.

up-product-includesA. Black soybean hull extract contains a high percentage of polyphenols (greater than 60% and as high as 100%) including 10–45% anthocyanidins, 10–25% catechins, and 40–80% OPC. There is unlikely to be any soy protein or phytoestrogens in the product due to the extraction processes used. (See:

Q. I Want to know How Much Caffeine is in Ultimate Protector.

A. A study done on CoffeeBerry extract shows a 0.44% caffeine content. Since each capsule contains 45 mg of the extract the amount of caffeine per capsule is about 0.2 mg (or 1.2 mg per serving of 6 capsules). (See:

Q. I Want to Know More About the Blue Corn Extract in Ultimate Protector, and if it contains aspergillus mold.

A. Ultimate Protector contains an extract of blue corn optimized for the anthocyanidin content. Due to the extraction process, it is unlikely that the final material contains any aspergillus. Also, since there is only a small amount of blue corn extract in the product (I estimate less than 5 mg per capsule) it is even more unlikely that aspergillus is a problem.

Q. Does the Vitamin C in Ultimate Protector contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

A. The process of producing Vitamin C involves using the starting material of d-glucose derived from plant materials such as corn, beets, potatoes, cassava, etc. (See: Each of these starting materials will contain some protein that could be in part from genetically modified materials. In most cases—especially in the production of USP grade materials that we use in Ultimate Protector™—the protein will be completely removed. As a precaution that no genetically modified protein remains, PCR testing is conducted (See: The Vitamin C we use in Ultimate Protector™ has been tested using this method, and is certified by independent laboratories to contain no GMOs.

Q. Is There Any Vitamin E in Ultimate Protector Product?

A. There is no Vitamin E in Ultimate Protector. The Vitamin C per cap is 250 mg which is 415% of the Vitamin C RDA. Once in the body, the Vitamin C is able to regenerate oxidized Vitamin E to its unoxidized form. The other main ingredients in Ultimate Protector are plant-based antioxidants (external) and other plant-based substances (called Nrf2 activators) that stimulate the body to make it own antioxidants (internal). In this regard, it is a very powerful supplement!

Q. What are the Plant Sources in Ultimate Protector that provide High ORAC5.0 Values?

A. There are six ingredients that provide high ORAC values. Three of these ingredients (AnthoComplete®, VitaBerry® Plus, and VitaVeggie®) are a mixture of extracts from a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Below each of the ingredients are listed along with website/product information:

1) AnthoComplete® from Futureceuticals (™),
2) CoffeeBerry® Forte from Futureceuticals (,
3) VitaBerry® Plus from Futureceuticals (®),
4) VitaVeggie® from Futureceuticals (®).
5) Resveratrol (98% min.) is derived from the Giant Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum)
6) Curcumin (95% min. curcuminoids) from Sabinsa (

All of these sources are non-GMO. None of our sources claim organic. This in part may be because they are extracts and as such may have been processed in a manner not considered to be organic. Please consider that this is a nutritional supplement and not a food.

Q. What Form of 5-MTHF Do You Use in Your Products?

A. We use only the Quatrefolic form of folate made by the Italian company Gnosis. See: This contains only the active non-racemic form of folate and no folic acid. Quatrefolic®, provides the metabolic reduced form utilized and stored in the human body – (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate.

Q. What is the Purity of Fish Liver Oil in Your Vitamin D3 Plus Product?

Vitamin D3 PlusA: I am always careful when formulating any product to minimize any potential toxins. Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A from fish liver oils, as are found in the HPDI Vitamin D3 Plus formula, are highly concentrated sources which means that only milligram amounts are needed. This in itself means that there would be very low levels of toxins. This is verified by testing that shows mercury levels of less than 0.003 ppm, lead levels of less than 0.005 ppm, cadmium levels of less than 0.002 ppm, and arsenic levels of less than 0.004 ppm. By ‘less than’ it means the amounts are below the detection limits. Very low, indeed!

Q. Can the Licorice in Your Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula Cause High Blood Pressure?

irf-product-includesA. The licorice in Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula is from the powdered root of organically grown licorice. Each serving contains 40 mg. It is highly unlikely that this amount of the whole root could cause blood pressure issues.


Contact Us:

You can reach HPDI by calling 1-800-228-4265, email support(at), or visit the retail website:

Health care professionals and retailers can apply for wholesale account, which includes access to the HPDI reseller website:


  1. Hi and Happy New Year.

    At the suggestion of a friend I recently purchased your products. The Digase and Prolyt.

    I am a “juicer”. My wife has been juicing me for over 3 years. I’m fighting Prostrate cancer.

    We use all organic vegetables and some fruits.

    Our purpose is to squeeze all the fresh live enzymes from the produce and drink it down quickly. I’ve been told that the enzymes have a short life and “fresh” is best.

    So the question develops…

    How is it that you keep the enzymes alive in the pills?


    Erv’ Lemand

    1. Juicing is a great way to be healthy and obtain fresh enzymes. Regarding your question, the short answer is that enzymes in our enzyme supplements (Digase, Prolyt) survive well in a dry form. After they get “wet” when consumed, they have a short life. Live foods like fruits and vegetables maintain their enzymes until they are broken or crushed, as in juicing or when consumed. Enzymes released from live foods during juicing thereby have a short life, and fresh is best. The enzymes in Digase and Prolyt may somewhat degrade with time, but maintain their potency for extended periods (and at least until their expiration dates).

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