HPDI has been highly involved in the development of the 2DOCS line of pet supplements, including pet vitamins, specific-condition formulas, and superfoods like Rejuvenate! for Pets. Specifically, Dr. Hank Liers is the chief product formulator for HPDI and 2DOCS products. As such, the design philosophy behind both brands is virtually identical, even though the 2DOCS pet line is highly customized for animal health and wellness.
Having witnessed the development of 2DOCS lines of pet vitamins from the beginning, I am fortunate that all my pets have taken the formulas since they became available ten years ago. Indeed, my pets were among the first to try 2DOCS pet vitamins during the early years (circa 2003–2008) when we intensively (and extensively) tested and improved the products. Since then, we have continued to revise the formulas, and we’ve added new formulas to the line.
I am also fortunate to have spent much time not only with Dr. Hank Liers, but also with Dr. Randy Aronson (aka, the Radio Pet Vet) who partnered with Dr. Liers to develop 2DOCS line of pet vitamins. I followed the development of the formulas, and I came to understand the reasons that each formula is important for health, and how to use them most effectively. For example, while Joint Defense Formula is designed to the improve and maintain the health of joints and connective tissues, as well as dramatically reduce inflammation and pain, it also works well to stop urinary incontinence.
Dr. Randy initially used HPDI human formulas in his veterinary practice. His great success using HPDI supplements led to his requests for a line of supplements specifically for pets, and ultimately to his collaboration and involvement in developing 2DOCS pet vitamins. Dr. Randy places most of his pet patients on 2DOCS pet vitamins because they work, outcomes are better, and both pets and their owners are happier.

Katie was an Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) born in the early 1990s. By 2002, years of hard play, and her highly active life on the open range desert of southern Arizona south of Tucson, resulted in Katie developing arthritis and severe joint pain. Walking became more difficult. She became sedentary and gained weight, as her activity level progressively declined. Exercising so little, she now tired easily and her breathing would quickly become labored from walking a short distance. I wondered about how much longer she would live because she was a shadow of her former self.
In 2003, we put Katie on 2DOCS pet vitamins: Pet Mighty Multi-Vite (large pet), Pet Essential Fats (large pet), and Pet Antoxidant Formula (known back then as Pet-C Plus™). Shortly thereafter, she visibly gained energy and began to walk more often and with greater confidence. It was wonderful to see her no longer be content to spend the day lying around or trying to walk while visibly in pain.

The positive changes in her physical capacities and appearance became more pronounced within about two weeks. Her coat was smoother and shinier, her eyes glowed with life, and she “smiled” more often. She now joined me on walks for the first time in several years. Neighbors who knew Katie from years past even commented on her physical condition, partly because they had not seen her in a while.
Shortly thereafter, we added 2DOCS Rejuvenate! For Pets into her regimen. Again, her energy levels rose immediately. But it was not until after she consumed Rejuvenate for about three weeks that we saw significant changes. She became more alert and responsive. Her endurance and capacity for exercise was dramatically better. She breathed easier.
Katie walked more, and she was happy regardless of whether or not she exercised. Something more fundamental was changing. She was becoming healthier from the inside out, and regenerating herself in ways that made her look, act, and feel years younger.

The positive changes Katie exhibited were exciting for us because she was transforming before our eyes into a healthier dog. We were astonished! Yet, in many ways these changes were not a complete surprise. In fact, we almost expected them because we had previously witnessed similar changes before in ourselves and in many of HPDI’s customers due to changing diet, and taking nutritional supplements and superfoods. Her changes were dramatic nonetheless.
We also added 2DOCS Joint Defense Formula into her regimen. This made a huge difference in her joint pain by itself. When combined with the other 2DOCS pet vitamins, her suffering was greatly alleviated, as evidenced by her desire (and ability) to walk.
Katie’s diet was healthy before we put her on 2Docs pet vitamins and superfoods. While she ate some Evo grain-free dog food, we primarily fed her sardines, grass fed meats (whenever possible), and shredded fresh organic vegetables.
We put the 2Docs large pet multivitamin, essential fats for pets, and pet antioxidant formula right into her food. She actually enjoyed eating these supplements from our hands, so occasionally we would give her the multivitamin by hand as a treat. It is also notable that Katie (as well as most other dogs and cats) enjoyed the taste of Rejuvenate! For Pets. She would eat it plain, and actually seek it out if she happened to smell an open container in the house. (Note: our Rejuvenate! For Pets superfood formula is identical to HPDI’s Rejuvenate! (original greens) designed for people.)
Katie continued to gain strength (and muscle mass) and lose fat. She now seemed content all the time. It was clear she was not experiencing significant pain, and she was fully aware mentally. For three years, she took take daily walks with me with just a few short rest periods during a walk.
Katie finally passed away in 2007 at approximately the age of sixteen. I am certain that the 2DOCS pet supplements helped to add about five years to her life. More importantly, Katie was healthy and happy, and she experienced a high quality of life until the end.
2DOCS pet vitamins, supplements, and superfoods made a big difference in Katie’s health, longevity, and quality of life. 2DOCS supplements are designed to provide pets with all the benefits offered to people by HPDI’s human formulas. We believe that any pet can gain significant improvements in health, as well as better maintain a state of good health if they are provided with the pet vitamins, supplements, and superfoods that make it possible.
2DOCS stands for optimal pet health, healing, regeneration, and rejuvenation. In keeping with our system of foundational supplements for humans, we recommend four primary supplements all in the red label (and more or less in this order): multivitamins, antioxidant formulas, essential fats, and Rejuvenate! For Pets superfood.
So, if you’re just starting your pet on supplements, you could start with all four red line formulas, but you would at least start with a Mighty-Multi multivitamin (for large or small pets). That alone will support improved health. Next you would add a Pet Antioxidant Formula, Pet Essential Fats (for large or small pets), and then Rejuvenate! For Pets superfood. In certain instances, you might add the essential fats or Rejuvenate! For Pets before the Antioxidant Formula, depending on the unique needs of your pet.
The other (i.e., non-foundational) formulas in the 2DOCS line are specific-condition formulas. That is, most of these formulas are intended for use with a condition, such as allergies (Allergy Defense), joint and/or connective tissue health (Joint Defense Formula), or gastrointestinal problems (e.g., diarrhea) (GI Defense). Green label superfoods like Cell Support for Pets can be used for specific conditions, but are generally used to boost and maintain overall health.

We also recommend changes or improvements to your pets diet. This might include fresh meats, raw organic vegetables, and the avoidance or reduction of grain-based pet foods (e.g., avoid wheat, corn, barley, oats, etc.). In addition to reducing grain-based pet food, avoid genetically modified ingredients (i.e., GMOs) (which includes almost all non-organic corn and soy), as well as synthetic preservatives, fillers, colorings, flavorings, etc.
If you use a commercial pet food (either by itself or as a supplement to meats and vegetables), there are several readily available grain-free options. For organic pet foods, you will have to do a bit more research, or make your own.
We are confident that 2DOCS supplements can help your pets attain higher levels of health and well being. Especially when combined with a healthy natural diet, exercise, and a loving home environment, pet supplements can effectively support optimal health for pets. Please visit the 2DOCS area on the HPDI website to order or learn more about 2DOCS human-grade pet vitamins, supplements, and superfoods.
Read more about my pets’ experience with 2DOCS’ pet vitamins, supplements, and superfoods in Part II of this series (forthcoming).
REJUVENATE FOR PETS (powder) (200g)
ALLERGY DEFENSE (90 capsules)
CELL SUPPORT FOR PETS (powder) (200g)
GI DEFENSE (powder) (100g)
REJUVENATE! FOR PETS (powder) (200g)
CELL SUPPORT FOR PETS (powder) (200g)