Recover from Trauma with Large Doses of Rejuvenate!™

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Fred Liers PhDNearly two years ago, I was involved in a high-speed automobile accident. I was driving with my family on a major road when suddenly we were struck head on by a Jeep Cherokee SUV whose driver failed to yield on a green light, and fatefully crossed our path while making a left turn.

I escaped with minor injuries, except for a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my right knee. Technically, the diagnosis was a torn ligament with deep bone bruising, a fractured tibia, and a torn meniscus. The doctor recommended surgery to “reconstruct” my ACL using one of my own hamstring ligaments.

As it turned out, one of the first health professionals to look at my knee (after the ER doctor) was a bodyworker friend. He worked on me for several hours. At some point, he re-aligned the chondials in my knee. Before that I could not walk. So, I was quite fortunate since I could now at least get around, first with crutches, and then without them.

Surgery would be postponed for six months partly because I could not afford down time away from teaching my university classes until the semester was complete. Also, my knee bruising was so deep that the swelling would take months to disappear completely (a condition for surgery).

I seriously considered avoiding surgery. I hoped to heal my knee using nutrition and rehabilitation alone. Yet, I found myself unstable and prone to falls in particular. Falls were often accompanied by great pain, bruising, swelling, and at least three days recovery time for pain to dissipate.

Also, my knee joint was wobbly, and it would go out of alignment and even just give way (usually causing a fall). Sometimes, it would just pop out of place while walking or standing. This necessitated adjustments to get it back “in place.”

Staircases were a particular challenge since I never knew when the knee would give way. Handrails narrowly saved me from falling several times. I was especially grateful for handicapped ramps, which I used to avoid stairs whenever possible. (I also thank the DMV for a six-month temporary handicapped placard.)

I had never experienced major injuries as an adult. I was a successful distance runner in high school, as well as a collegiate race walker. I participated actively in martial arts followed by more than a decade of yoga. Now I could barely walk. It was unfathomable and strange. I felt for all individuals who couldn’t walk, the disabled, and for all incapacitated persons. There’s nothing like direct experience. My perspective on many things is changed forever. For the better, of course.

I ultimately decided in favor of surgery, as my doctor recommended.


For several days, while recovering from a bruising fall (due to my knee giving way), I finally took time to seriously consider my best options for a fast recovery after surgery. I listed all the things (supplements, practices, techniques) I would do to create the most rapid return to normal function, walking, and ultimately running.

For example, I would have acupuncture immediately after surgery. I would ask for the minimum anaesthetic possible and I would avoid painkillers. I would continue my nutritional supplement regimen (see below), but add extra supplements for joint health, more antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory nutrients. I would be diligent about doing my physical therapy. As always, I would continue to meditate daily, but I would add guided visualizations for healing the knee. I would eat an extremely pure diet with a focus on organic vegetables and raw foods, as well as high-quality proteins.

Most of all, I would take large doses of REJUVENATE!™. I remembered back to the intense period in 2005–2006 when we (at HPDI) first taste-tested various versions of original Rejuvenate!™ superfood. I always volunteered (and still volunteer) as the #1 “guinea pig” during product development. I started slowly, but eventually took 10, 15, and even 20 scoops daily! One scoop is about 12 grams (or two tablespoons). I basically swilled this stuff all day. I ate, drank, breathed, and dreamed Rejuvenate!™ for months. I loved it!

I recalled how dramatically my energy levels increased when I took large doses (at least 8–10 scoops or more) of REJUVENATE!™. In addition, I had healed faster, gained greater muscle mass and functional strength, and had noticeably better lung capacity. I also lost some weight. Most intriguingly, I actually grew a little bit (in my early 40s no less!). It was a time of great discovery, intellectual ferment, as well as dark green Rejuvenate!™ lips and “mustaches” (“Got Greens?” we joked). Since then, I always take at least one or two scoops daily.

After the initial testing period for original Rejuvenate!™, I eventually stopped extremely large doses of it. This was partly because I discovered I gained most of the benefits at smaller doses. In fact, I benefit even from one or two scoops daily. Besides, I had started taking a few scoops daily of our newer Rejuvenate!™ formulas (i.e,. Rejuvenate!™ PRO, Rejuvenate!™ PLUS, Rejuvenate!™ Berries & Herbs, or  Rejuvenate!™ Strawberry-Peach Protein Plus), so I felt I was getting more than enough RNA from the combination of superfoods.

But now, everything had changed. Surgery would tax my body unlike anything else in my experience. I was already feeling quite taxed because my knee pain was virtually constant due to weekly falls. Even the original swelling from the accident had yet to resolve.

As I lay there in pain, reflecting upon my early experiences with large doses of original Rejuvenate!™, I realized I needed large doses of RNA for healing, both now and after surgery. It became clear to me that Rejuvenate!™ original would be the best single formula that could ensure a speedy recovery. I would take large doses of it.

I had good reasons for my decision to take large doses. First, original Rejuvenate!™ provides as much therapeutic dietary RNA as any other Rejuvenate!™ superfood. Dietary RNA (or nucleic acids) are the “secret” behind the healing power of the Rejuvenate!™ line, and indeed they remain the first and only dedicated high-RNA superfoods to this day.

Dietary RNA speeds (some say quadruples) healing time, increases cellular energy (as ATP) needed to improve cell functioning and optimize metabolic processes, boosts oxygenation, increases strength and endurance, and much more (see benefits list for RNA for Rejuvenate!™).

Rejuvenate!™ original provides about 340 mg of RNA (dietary nucleic acids) per serving. This is approximately the same amount of RNA per serving as all Rejuvenate!™ formulas provide (see Rejuvenate!™ comparison table).

Secondly, original Rejuvenate!™ remains our “greenest” superfood formula—providing the most chlorella, spirulina, and chlorophyll—in the Rejuvenate!™ line. The presence of these greens make it the most effective “healer” (gram for gram), at least for major trauma. Unlike some other Rejuvenate formulas (i.e., the PLUS and Berries & Herbs formulas), the original does not provide multivitamins, or even B vitamins (as Rejuvenate!™ PRO does).


Another major advantage is cost. Rejuvenate!™ original is the most highly concentrated source of RNA and other nutrients (e.g., chlorella and chlorophyll) in the Rejuvenate!™ line. Therefore, serving sizes are smaller (12 grams) and there are more servings per container. In fact, there are 42 servings (i.e., scoops) per container, which gives it the lowest cost per serving among all Rejuvenate!™ formulas.

My primary concern was never cost, of course, but effectiveness. Turns out the same concentration of nucleic acids (i.e., RNA density) that makes Rejuvenate!™ economically viable also allows it to provide the most healing RNA per gram.

Thus, given that the cost of original Rejuvenate!™ compares favorably to other Rejuvenate!™ formulas (some of which provide 16 servings per container), it is clear from a cost-benefit basis that original Rejuvenate!™ provides the greatest “bang-for-the-buck”and the biggest “bang-per-gram,” at least in terms of dosages of RNA and other dietary nucleic acids.

A healthy person (i.e., someone not experiencing trauma) can take a maintenance dose of one scoop daily for six weeks from a single container of Rejuvenate!™. When taking two scoops daily, a container lasts three weeks. Either way, this person would obtain therapeutic levels of RNA, despite relatively “small” servings of Rejuvenate!™.

For someone experiencing trauma or needing to heal, a relatively “large” dose of five scoops daily could still be provided by one container for more than eight days! (Compared to the cost of pharmaceuticals that do little or nothing to heal someone, the cost of Rejuvenate!™ starts to look like a real bargain.)

To be fair, the newer Rejuvenates offer significant additional features (e.g., built-in multivitamins, minerals, healing herbs) providing major benefits (especially when combined with RNA) that go well beyond the scope of original Rejuvenate!™. Yet, if you already take multivitamins and other supplements separately (as I usually do), and your primary interest lies in maximizing RNA intake, then original Rejuvenate!™ is by far the best choice.

In sum, original Rejuvenate!™ is especially appropriate when large amounts of RNA are required for healing, i.e., during times of injury, accidents, surgery and other medical interventions, trauma or critical conditions, and even for detoxification (heavy metals or chemical toxins).


I did not feel hungry for months following the accident. My lack of appetite extended for at least six months after the accident and then continued after the surgery. I suppose the trauma from the accident took away all desire to eat. Yet, I needed calories. I rapidly lost ten pounds shortly after the accident. Rejuvenate!™ original was tasty, easy-to-consume, and provided nutrients. It would make all the difference in my recovery.

For practical purposes, I already was living on Rejuvenate!™ superfoods months before surgery. It started long before I decided to take large doses of original Rejuvenate!™. While I forced myself to have a solid breakfast, most of the day I lived on Rejuvenate!™ original, and to a lesser extent Rejuvenate!™ PRO, and PLUS. I would mix them into smoothies, or shake them into rice milk or filtered water.

Prior to my decision to take large doses of Rejuvenate!™ original, I probably took a total of five scoops daily of various Rejuvenates combined. This was a good baseline. It provided reasonably large amounts of RNA and helped me to heal faster than I would otherwise. It also “preloaded” my body with RNA, so it was no shock to my body when I started taking large doses of Rejuvenate!™ original.

Then about six weeks before surgery, I ramped it up. I began taking 8–10 scoops of REJUVENATE!™ superfood (original greens) daily. I typically would take 2–3 scoops per dose, so I consumed three or four doses per day.

One of my favorite drinks was a Rejuvenate!™ “lemonade” made with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. I would add two scoops of Rejuvenate!™ to a mason jar, add pure water, the juice of one or two lemons, and possibly a dash of grade-B organic maple syrup. (If no fresh lemons or limes were available, I would often use a splash of Santa Cruz brand organic 100% lemon or lime juice.)

As mentioned, I would often also take up to four scoops per day of REJUVENATE!™ PRO or a few scoops of REJUVENATE!™ PLUS or REJUVENATE!™  Berries & Herbs. But mostly I focused on taking Rejuvenate!™ original.

I also continued my routine of taking a high-potency multivitamin, Vitamin C, essential fats, and a wide variety of antioxidants. Other supplements in my routine included a B-Complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, CLA, astaxanthin, magnesium, MSM, and a joint health formula.

I was also fortunate (and grateful) to receive regular acupuncture treatments from my wife, Stefanie, who is a professional acupuncturist with a master’s degree in oriental medicine. She treated me after the accident and immediately after surgery. Her treatments made a tremendous difference in reducing pain and swelling, and ultimately contributed greatly to my healing.


The day for surgery finally arrived. I decided to meditate as the anesthetic overcame me. I probably meditated throughout surgery. The first words I heard as I began to awaken were, “Are you meditating?” Still semi-conscious, I nodded to the nurse, who was pleased to get a rapid response. I left the surgery center that afternoon.

Recovery went smoothly and rapidly. First, the pain of surgery subsided quickly. Then, within the first week, I started walking again with the aid of crutches. In less than ten days, I walked without crutches.

My physical therapist was surprised to see that within two weeks I could extend out my leg while in a seated position almost to zero degrees. He said he almost never saw individuals with ACL injuries who extend so far in such a short period of time. In some cases, it takes months, he said.

In addition, I could now bend my knee nearly at 90 degrees. This meant the swelling from surgery was decreasing far more quickly than commonly occurs. In fact, I could feel and see the swelling decrease daily. I was healing many times faster than I would have otherwise. I attribute this to my action plan, including superior nutrition, and especially to Rejuvenate!™.

Another benefit I’ve always gained from Rejuvenate!™ is increased flexibility in the joints. However, I gain the most benefit at higher dosages, and this increased flexibility was evident during my post-surgical recovery.

Thus, higher doses of Rejuvenate!™ before (and after) my surgery 1) speeded healing, 2) increased strength, 3) improved joint flexibility, and 4) improved cellular oxygenation. These are the precise benefits that explain my ability to bend, lift, exhibit remarkable endurance, and heal rapidly during physical therapy.

Perhaps most surprising to my physical therapist was that I could raise my leg without any “extensor lag” (i.e., delay) on the very first day of physical therapy (i.e., one week after surgery). That is, I could easily lift my leg into the air from a seated (or lying down) position. According to the ACL graft instructions from my surgeon, this would normally be possible only three to four weeks AFTER surgery. My physical therapist recommended an accelerated rehabilitation program. I agreed enthusiastically.

My knee and leg felt stronger each passing day. I removed my brace for extended periods starting the third week after surgery. Before the end of the third week, I could extend my leg out fully to zero degrees. As the week flew by, I began sharing my action plan with my physical therapist. I told him about Rejuvenate!™, my supplement regimen, and benefits of acupuncture. He listened avidly.

During the third week after surgery, I could almost walk with a normal gait. I could also do full rotations on a stationary bike. Within the next few weeks, I could bike for many minutes and go for increasingly longer periods on stairstep-type machine. Thereafter, I began to return to normal activities, including walking greater distances and hiking. I would not attempt to run for a while. But sometime in the third month after surgery I recall my first running steps. It was thrilling to run.

I suppose I should be more amazed by the fact I healed so quickly and gained strength so fast. What surprised me was that I gained functional strength BEFORE surgery. That is, I noticed it was easier lifting objects and my grip strength was stronger within just days of increasing intake of Rejuvenate!™ to 10 scoops per day. That meant improvements in functional strength were due simply to increased dosages. Indeed, to me these improvements were solid indicators that additional energy would be available for accelerated healing and recovery, which was exactly what happened.

Thus, my “surprise” at the benefits of Rejuvenate!™ came before surgery. My enhanced experience with physical therapy was of course very welcome, but less surprising. By then, I just wanted to heal rapidly, then get back to normal life. Rejuvenate!™ helped make it happen!

In sum, the benefits I gained from Rejuvenate!™ included faster healing and recovery, increased strength, greater flexibility, improved oxygenation (i.e., better breathing) for greater endurance and less exertion, less pain (due to faster healing), and maintenance (i.e., less wasting-away) of muscle mass during recovery.

Another major benefit was higher caloric intake due to the ease of consuming Rejuvenate!™. This was especially important because I was hardly hungry for weeks after surgery with little desire to eat anything. Yet, I found it easy to make and take Rejuvenate!™ drinks. They are always tasty and go down easily.


I am happy to be healed! I have much gratitude for the ability to walk, and just to be alive. I’ve learned many things on the path to recovery. I would never wish to have an ACL tear (or any injury for that matter!) again. But I’ve gained perspective. I think in radically different ways since the accident. For example, I don’t take small things (or even big things like walking) for granted.

I still take 8–10 scoops of Rejuvenate!™ on most days. I was so greatly impressed with the extra benefits gained at a higher dosage of Rejuvenate!™ (original) that I continued high-dose intake after my recover. As a result, I continue benefiting from long-term improvements in functional strength, maintenance of high levels of lean muscle mass, greater endurance, easier breathing (via increased tissue oxygenation), high flexibility, tolerance of temperature extremes (heat and cold), as well as better athletic performance in all respects. Other benefits include smoother skin and a younger looking appearance (i.e., well known, proven results of increased intake of dietary nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) that are always welcome).

I highly recommend high dose Rejuvenate!™ to anyone suffering from major injury, chronic illness, or an intractable health problem. I also recommend it to anyone who is serious about detoxification (e.g., of heavy metals or toxic chemicals) or preventing toxicity, and to individuals desiring to improve athletic performance significantly. This latter group includes people who work physically for a living, and who can benefit from greater functional strength and endurance. I have seen many laborers who benefit from taking just one or two scoops a day. Benefits include less hunger, ability to work for efficiently and for longer periods of time.

I also recommend Rejuvenate!™ to those who must look good for a living. This group includes actors, models, public figures, health professionals, and almost anyone who would benefit from appearing younger and in radiant good health. (And who wouldn’t benefit from that?) The deeper truth here is that you will feel as good as you look because the health Rejuvenate!™ helps generate is not just “skin deep.” Instead, it is a reflection of actual good health from the inside out!

In conclusion, taking what I maybe used to think of as “large” doses Rejuvenate!™ is not just for special occasions. I think it can actually be for everyone, or at least most people. As life gets busier, as we get older, and as our environment becomes increasingly toxic (even as our personal environments and diets become less toxic, hopefully), it is clear that we not only need higher density nutrition, but also superfoods that can provide a wide range of benefits (e.g., detoxification, anti-aging effects, antioxidant capabilities).

The Rejuvenate!™ line of superfoods offers just these kinds of advantages. In particular, Rejuvenate!™ (original) offers unique benefits within the Rejuvenate!™ line that can benefit everyone from children to grandparents, athletes to recovery-room patients, and even pets.

There is every reason to believe that superfoods like Rejuvenate!™ are the foods of the future. They are available now, however. There is no reason to wait until an accident, an injury, or a decline in health generates a special need for super nutrition. You (and yours) can benefit starting now.

A superfood I already took at reasonable levels has become, by taking more of it, a superfood giving me optimal health every day. I maximize its effects. I gain all the benefits of peak levels of dietary nucleic acids, which are truly miracle nutrients.

I had never considered the long-term benefits of a dose increase. Now, I will never wonder what benefits I might lose since high-dose Rejuvenate!™ has become an integral part of my life.

The most important thing is you can benefit from Rejuvenate!™ high-RNA superfoods whether or not you take high dosages. However, it is also true that the nutritional power of Rejuvenate!™ is so great you can depend on “dose-dependent” benefits. That is, everyone benefits from even surprisingly small doses. Yet, if certain situations, conditions, or special needs exist, then they will respond positively to high dosages in ways that surpass normal dosage levels. This is the “next level” in terms of benefits and it represents optimal dosing for health.


Suggested Reading

Frank, Benjamin S., MD. Nucleic Acid Nutrition and Therapy. New York: Rainstone Publlishing, 1977.

Frank, Benjamin S., MD. Dr. Frank’s No-Aging Diet. New York: Dial Press, 1977.

Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI). “The Master Rejuvenation Program. ( c. 2010.

Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI). “Rejuvenate Side-by-Side Comparison.” ( c. 2010.

Jensen, Bernard. Chlorella: Jewel of the Far East. Escondido, California: Bernard Jensen International, 1992.

Liers, Henry, PhD, and Fred Liers, PhD. The Need for Foundational Supplements ( Tucson, Arizona: Health Products Distributors, Inc., 2010.

Pauling, Linus. How to Live Longer and Feel Better. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press, 2006.

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