PROLYT – Proteolytic Enzymes Formula

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Dr. Hank Liers, PhD proteolytic enzymes prolyt integratedhealthIn the early 1990s one of my chiropractor clients asked me to formulate a proteolytic enzymes formula in capsule form. Specifically, he wanted trypsin, chymotrypsin, bromelain, and papain in the product. I added to this quercetin and grape seed extract for additional anti-inflammatory effect.

My company has been selling this formula under the name Prolyt ever since. It is best described as a full strength proteolytic enzymes formula with synergistic bioflavonoids. Several years ago when I became aware that most of the papayas grown in the world contained genetically modified organisms, I removed the papain and replaced it with curcuminoids from turmeric.

Prolyt today contains the proteolytic enzymes bromelain (from pineapple), trypsin (pancreatic enzyme), and chymotrypsin (pancreatic enzyme), and the polyphenols/bioflavonoids turmeric extract (95% curcuminoids), quercetin and oligomeric proanthocyanidins from grape seed extract in a veggie capsule. While bromelain is often blended with lactose to obtain a reduced standard strength, Prolyt contains the near full-strength proteolytic enzymes extracted naturally from the fruit.

Prolyt pancreatic enzymes HPDI Hank Liers PhD proteolytic enzymes


In the late 1990s a friend of mine had a microscope and display system that allowed live blood analysis. This system enabled one to take a blood sample, put it on a slide, and view it on a TV monitor. Frequently, when he performed this analysis one could observe that the red blood cells were clumped together and not functioning well. He would then ask the person being tested to take two capsules of Prolyt and come back again in 30 minutes. The test was repeated and invariably the red blood cells acted like billiard balls, bouncing off one another and no longer clumping together.

One of my clients told me the story about two old men who loved to play golf but could hardly walk due to arthritis. He said once a week these men would buy a bottle of Prolyt, take a handful of the capsules, and proceed to the golf course out of pain long enough to play golf for the day.

A German health practitioner friend of mine told a client of his who was having all of his wisdom teeth removed to take 100 capsules of Prolyt daily after the surgery. His client did it and he found that he not only controlled his pain, but he healed rapidly in less than a week.



Pancreatic Enzymes: Prolyt may be used as an adjunct in protocols dealing with the digestion of proteins. Trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme, helps to break down large protein molecules by cutting protein chains at specific sites. The large protein molecule is actually a chain of smaller units called amino acids which are linked, end to end, in chains of hundreds. There are 20 different amino acids from which these protein chains are made. The specific site along the protein chain where trypsin is active are those with the amino acids lysine and arginine, two of the smaller amino acids.

The enzyme chymotrypsin, another pancreatic enzyme, also cuts the larger protein chain but at different sites from where trypsin cuts. Chymotrypsin makes its cut at positions along the protein chain that contain very large amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. The combination of trypsin and chymotrypsin (often along with bromelain) have been used in protocols for breaking down tumors in the body.

Pancreas Prolyt proteolytic enzymes


In a 1999 Clinical Pearls News interview, Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez had this to say about the use of pancreatic enzymes:

“I didn’t come up with the idea to use pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer. The Scottish embryologist, John Beard, who worked at the University of Edinburgh at the turn of the century, first proposed in 1906 that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes, in addition to their well-known digestive function, represent the body’s main defense against cancer. He further proposed that pancreatic enzymes would most likely be useful as a cancer treatment.

“During the first two decades of this century, a number of physicians, both in Europe and in the United States, used injectable pancreatic enzymes to treat advanced human cancer, often times (depending on the quality of the product) with great success. I have collected a number of reports from that time in the major medical journals documenting tumor regression and long-term survival in patients treated with enzyme therapy.

“I began researching the use of oral pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy as a treatment for cancer after completion of my second year at Cornell University Medical College in 1981. My research advisor at the time supported and directed my early work, and later supported me during my formal immunology fellowship. In terms of the theoretical foundation, the exact mechanism of action has never been demonstrated. After Beard’s death, the enzyme therapy was largely forgotten and certainly never generated any significant research effort until recently with the funding of my work.

“There are several studies from the 1960s showing, in an animal model, that orally ingested pancreatic enzymes have an anti-cancer effect, and might work through immune modulation, but these studies were preliminary and were never followed-up.

“Dr. Beard believed enzymes had to be injected to prevent destruction by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. However, recent evidence demonstrates that orally ingested pancreatic proteolytic enzymes are acid stable, pass intact into the small intestine and are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream as part of an enteropancreatic recycling process.

“It is clear from our extensive clinical experience that pancreatic proteolytic enzymes have a profound anti-neoplastic effect.”


Bromelain is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes extracted from pineapple that digest proteins. It contains chemicals that when taken between meals might interfere with the growth of tumor cells and slow blood clotting. In addition, bromelain has been used in conditions such as 1) surgeries and injuries (including sports injuries), 2) sinusitis, 3) poor digestion, 4) inflammation, 5) infection, and 6) osteoarthritis.

Pineapple bromelain proteolytic enzymes

One study suggested that a combination of bromelain, rutosid (a bioflavonoid), and trypsin worked as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are commonly used pain relievers, for reducing knee pain from osteoarthritis. NSAIDs include ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and diclofenac (Voltaren), among others.

There are studies that show bromelain may reduce swelling, bruising, healing time, and pain after surgery and physical injuries. It is often used to reduce inflammation from with tendinitis, sprains and strains, and other minor muscle injuries. Studies of people having dental, nasal, and foot surgeries found it did reduce inflammation. In Europe, bromelain is used to treat sinus and nasal swelling following ear, nose, and throat surgery or trauma.


Turmeric extract (95% curcuminoids) contains three main chemical compounds – curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin – collectively known as curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have been shown to be Nrf2 transcription factor activators that turn on the production of the body’s own protective enzymes (such as SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase). For more information on the chemopreventive effects of Nrf2 activators see my blog article “Natural Phytochemical Nrf2 Activators for Chemoprevention

All About Turmeric prolyt proteolytic enzymes formula

Studies have reported that curcumin and turmeric protect the liver against several toxicants both in vitro and in vivo. A number of reports showed the chemopreventive action of turmeric and curcuminoids. Curcumin is a potent scavenger of free radicals such as superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and nitrogen dioxide radicals. It exerts powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcuminoids have been used effectively in cases of arthritis.


Quercetin (a bioflavonoid and known Nrf2 activator) has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and may be helpful to persons suffering from allergic reactions and from swelling due to injury. Quercetin also is known to reduce viral activity and may be helpful with chronic viral syndromes.

Veggies, nuts, seeds, fruit prolyt proteolytic enzymes formula

A study published in 2010 by Dr. Mark Davis, et. al. suggestes that as little as seven days of quercetin supplementation at 500–1,000 mg/day can increase endurance without exercise training in untrained participants. These benefits of quercetin may have important implications for enhancement of athletic and military performance. This apparent increase in fitness without exercise training may have implications beyond performance enhancement itself to health promotion and disease prevention. Please watch the video to hear Dr. Davis discuss his research on quercetin (


Grape Seed Extract provides a highly bioavailable bioflavonoid complex containing oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC)  and functions as a powerful Nrf2 activator. OPCs are extremely powerful antioxidants (20 times more powerful than vitamin C in vitro), potent anti-inflammatories, and collagen strengtheners. OPCs readily cross the blood-brain barrier and thereby may be helpful to persons suffering from allergic reactions or from swelling due to injury.

grape extract proteolytic enzymes

In order to learn more about OPCs, please see my blog article “Review of Scientific Research on Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC).”

We at HPDI believe Prolyt proteolytic enzymes formula is among the finest digestive enzymes products available today. It is the combination of proteolytic enzymes with bioflavonoids and herbal ingredients exhibiting anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and Nrf2 activation effects that makes Prolyt so effective.

COMPOSITION: One veggie capsule of Prolyt provides the following percentages of the Daily Value:

Bromelain (2,400 GDU/gm) 150 mg *
Trypsin (150 USP units/mg) 100 mg *
Turmeric Extract (95% curcuminoids)   75 mg *
Quercetin (as dihydrate)   50 mg *
Grape Seed Extract (95% polyphenols)      5 mg *
Chymotrypsin (1,019 USP units/mg)   2.5 mg *

* No established Daily Value

DIRECTIONS: When taking Prolyt as a digestive aid please take up to four capsules at a time with food. When taking Prolyt for dealing with any other health issues please take up to eight capsules at a time at least one hour before and two hours after eating.

Click here to learn more about Prolyt full-strength proteolytic enzymes formula.


Information on bromelain:

Information on turmeric/curcuminoids:

Audio interview with Dr. Gonzales (at

Information on grape seed extract:

Prolyt proteolytic enzymes formula with synergistic bioflavonoids:

Supporting Research for PROLYT (Proteolytic Enzymes Formula)

  1. Adachi N, Koh CS, Tsukada N, Shoji S, Yanagisawa N. In vitro degradation of amyloid material by four proteases in tissue of a patient with familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci. 1988;84(2-3):295-299.
  2. Banerjee B, Bagchi D. Beneficial effects of a novel IH636 grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Digestion. 2001;63(3):203-206.
  3. Brien S, Lewith G, Walker AF, et al. Bromelain as an adjunctive treatment for moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study. QJM. 2006 Dec;99(12):841-50.
  4. Chobotova K, Vernallis AB, Majid FA. Bromelain’s activity and potential as an anti-cancer agent: Current evidence and perspectives. Cancer Lett. 2010 Apr 28;290(2):148-56. Review.
  5. Faria A, Calhau C, de Freitas V, et al. Procyanidins as antioxidants and tumor cell growth modulators. J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54(6):2392-7.
  6. Felton GE. Fibrinolytic and antithrombotic action of bromelain may eliminate thrombosis in heart patients. Med Hypotheses. 1980;6(11):1123-1133.
  7. Funk JL, Oyarzo JN, Frye JB, Chen G, Lantz RC, Jolad SD, Sólyom AM, Timmermann BN. Turmeric extracts containing curcuminoids prevent experimental rheumatoid arthritis. J Nat Prod. 2006 Mar;69(3):351-5.
  8. Hu H, Qin YM. Grape seed proanthocyanidin extract induced mitochondria-associated apoptosis in human acute myeloid leukemia 14.3D10 cells. Chin Med J (Engl). 2006;119(5):417-21.
  9. Masson M. Bromelain in blunt injuries of the locomotor system. A study of observed applications in general practice. Fortschr Med. 1995;113:303-306.
  10. Mori S, Ojima Y, Hirose T, Sasaki T, Hashimoto Y. The clinical effect of proteolytic enzyme containing bromelain and trypsin on urinary tract infection evaluated by double blind method.Acta Obstet Gynaecol Jpn. 1972;19(3):147-153.
  11. Onken JE, Greer PK, Calingaert B, Hale LP. Bromelain treatment decreases secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines by colon biopsies in vitro. Clin Immunol.2008;126(3):345-52.
  12. Rosenberg L, Lapid O, Bogdanov-Berezovsky A, Glesinger R, Krieger Y, Silberstein E, et al. Safety and efficacy of a proteolytic enzyme for enzymatic burn debridement: a preliminary report. Burns. 2004 Dec;30(8):843-50.
  13. Secor ER, et al. Oral bromelain attenuates inflammation in an Ovalbumin-induced Murine Model of Asthma. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2008;5(1):61-9.
  14. Walker JA, Cerny FJ, Cotter JR, Burton HW. Attenuation of contraction-induced skeletal muscle injury by bromelain. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1992;24:20-25.


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