Rejuvenate!™ Superfoods in Pregnancy, Nursing, and Early Childhood

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By the time I became pregnant in 2007, I had already been taking original Rejuvenate!™ daily for nine months. I could feel the difference in my energy and overall health, as did others to whom I recommended the product. I took two or more scoops (24 g) of original Rejuvenate along with Rejuvenate PRO, which had just become available.

I experienced amazing health during my pregnancy eating an 80% raw, vegetarian diet, which is what I craved. I had a home birth that was under four hours and went incredibly well, especially for a first birth. I attribute this to my optimal state of health, meditation, and listening to my body. When Rejuvenate!™ Plus became available, I began adding that to my diet, giving some variety to my protein intake, along with all the other wonderful nutrients it provides.

When my son was six months old, I began giving him a small amount of chlorella mixed with applesauce. He would eat about a half a teaspoon or more a day. When he was about nine months old, I felt that the chia seeds in the original Rejuvenate! would not be a problem, so I switched from giving him chlorella to original Rejuvenate!. I added about a teaspoon of original Rejuvenate to a serving either of applesauce, or pureed banana or yam.

Rejuvenate! Plus became available when he was about twelve months old. He is now 2 1/2 years old. For more than a year, he has been drinking six to eight ounces of rice milk and water with a scoop of Rejuvenate! Plus, at least twice daily, as his main ‘milk.’ He also requests limeade made with one scoop original Rejuvenate, one freshly squeezed lime, and about a teaspoon grade B organic maple syrup in eight ounces of water.

As he’s primarily a vegetarian baby, I’ve never been concerned about his protein intake since he has two or three scoops of Rejuvenate Plus (or a combination of Rejuvenate products) every day. Even when he is a picky eater, which sometimes happens at his age, I know he is getting good nutrition when he drinks his ‘milk,’ which he loves and never goes without.

He is amazingly bright, has a glowing complexion, and lots of energy compared to his peers. His height is within the norms for his age, yet he is very solid, and people are always surprised he is heavier than he appears. Being a social child, he’s had his share of sniffles, but they are never intense or long lasting. The difference between his version of a ‘cold’ and those of his peers who have lesser nutrition and consume dairy is quite dramatic.

I recommend Rejuvenate Plus to other mothers for their children (and themselves!) and have heard that it makes an immediate difference in the child’s energy level, and over time, in learning and general health. Introducing these types of foods at a later age can require some creativity. One mother finally was able to get her eight-year-old daughter to drink Rejuvenate Plus mixed in orange juice. Another mother of a three-year-old child puts just a very small amount in rice milk. Regardless of how it’s taken, the effects are noticeable. Starting with them as first foods will ensure a taste for greens! I’m certain that drinking Rejuvenate superfoods while pregnant and nursing contributed to my son’s love for them, and I am quite thankful.

Sept 1, 2012 update:

Now that my son is nearly 5 years old, he is still drinking Rejuvenate!™ and lots of it! He has sometimes up to five scoops of primarily Rejuvenate Plus but sometimes a combination of the other flavors. He is still very strong and active, and seems to require less sleep than some of his friends. He has not had any significant illnesses that have gone through the community, and I am thankful that I can use Berries & Herbs to boost his immune system during those times. Most importantly though, I know that he is getting top nutrition!

Additional Resources

Read the Pregnancy Suggested Supplement & Activity Schedule in the HPDI Health Recommendations Index.

Read our Rejuvenate!™ Side-by-Side Product Comparison table.

Olson, Cathe. Simply Natural Baby Food: Easy Recipes for Delicious Meals Your Infant and Toddler Will Love. Goco Publications, 2003. These recipes not only provide truly health meals, but also lend themselves for use with Rejuvenate!™ superfoods. It is easy to incorporate these recipes into a rejuvenation lifestyle for the entire family!

Click here for more information about REJUVENATE!™ superfoods.

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