Report from ACAM 2015 Annual Meeting

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Fred Liers PhD ACAM American College for Advancement in Medicine annual meeting 2015In mid-November, I attended the annual meeting of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada where I represented Health Products Distributors, Inc. (HPDI).

This year’s meeting theme was “Integrative Medicine’s New Landscape: Practical Applications of New Technologies.” I went to participate as an ACAM member, and as exhibitor showcasing HPDI products as a silver level ACAM supporter.

I staffed our booth with Robert Simmons who is HPDI’s content curator and digital specialist. We displayed about 100 products, most of which are formulated by our CEO, my father Hank Liers, PhD.

I had the fortune of speaking to doctors, naturopaths, integrative medical specialists, and scientists on a variety of topics, including the need for dietary supplements, the importance of trace minerals, vitamin C, and probiotics. I learned quite a bit from these discussions and interactions.

HPDI booth at ACAM 2015
I staffed HPDI’s booth at ACAM 2015 in Las Vegas.

Doctors and participants at the meeting showed most interest in our Ultimate Protector Nrf2 activator product and Prescript-Assist™ probiotic (soil-based organisms) formula. Also of interest to them were Rejuvenate! superfoods, foundational supplements (multivitamins, essential fats, and vitamin C/antioxidant formulas), and our Warrior Health products (Warrior Mist for pain and Warrior Sleep for rest and relaxation).

In particular, participants were interested in the results of the Brunswick Labs ORAC5.0™ test of Ultimate Protector. View the Certificate of Analysis or visit the Ultimate Protector page. The test results reveal an ORAC5.0 value of 172,965 µmole TE/gram. This translates into a total ORAC5.0 value of more than 486,000 per 2.81 gram serving (i.e., six small capsules).

Although busy staffing the HPDI booth, I took time to attend an excellent presentation on the microbiome by Raphael Kellman, MD. His lecture was informative. He discussed the importance of the microbiome for supporting good health, and positive effects related to maintaining populations of beneficial flora.

Dr. Kellman considered the role of poor diet, antibiotics, stress and other factors in creating an environment less positive for probiotics. For example, a microbiome so imbalanced as to result in a condition of dysbiosis is known to suppress immunity.

Kellman lecture ACAM 2015 microbiome
Dr. Raphael Kellman lectures on the microbiome to ACAM doctors.

Dr. Kellman showed that probiotics not only are beneficial for the microbiome and the body in general, but also how these effects extend into supporting positive emotions.

In this regard, I recently read Dr. David Perlmutter’s Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain—for Life which discusses the importance of a healthy microbiome with a focus on implications for brain health and well-being. Dr. Kellman’s lecture confirmed much of what I learned from Dr. Perlmutter’s book, and gave me new information to consider.

Dr. Kellman presented specific dietary recommendations he suggests to patients for supporting a healthy microbiome. For example, he recommends consuming fermented foods like sauerkraut and kim chee that reinoculate the gut, as well as certain vegetables like onions, asparagus, jicama, and radishes that support the growth of healthy bacteria for a better balanced microbiome.

I was impressed by the volume of scientific studies he cited regarding the beneficial effects of the healthy microbiome (and the adverse effects of an unhealthy one), and by his discussion of clinical applications with respect to practical steps patients can take to support the development and maintenance of a healthy microbiome.

As a representative of a company that sells a superior probiotic formula (Prescript-Assist™), the ramifications of his presentation of the microbiome were clear. Everyone needs a healthy microbiome to thrive. And there are many means, including diet and supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics, that can help ensure the health of an individual’s microbiome.

I also visited exhibitors and vendors in the exhibit hall. Of particular interest were the liposomal formulas offered by Quicksilver Scientific. I tested at least nine of their formulas sublingually and found them both tasty and effective.

Fred Liers Robert Simmons ACAM 2015
Robert (right) and I pose in our booth with Alfredo Salguero (center) of In Light Wellness Systems.

Other highlights from visiting vendors were trying out the PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field) unit from Pulse4Life and receiving a Zyto scan from Trayce Waterline of Zyto Corp. A Zyto scan uses galvanic skin response technology and proprietary software that utilizes digital signatures to recommend nutritional supplements that match your biological preference.

I also enjoyed learning about Biomat technology from Owen Cobb of the Biomat Store and lying under LED pads from In Light Wellness Systems.

Robert ACAM 2015
HPDI booth rep Robert scans the preferred partners board at ACAM 2015.

I enjoyed meeting ACAM officers and board members at our booth and in the exhibitor hall, during breakfasts, lecture breaks, and the opening reception.

Finally, one of the best experiences was meeting ACAM management and staff. In particular, I took the opportunity to chat with Veronica Haynes, Brenda Carney, Zach Haynes, and Liz Pullman. Thanks to ACAM for putting on a great meeting.

We at HPDI already look forward to next year’s ACAM 2016 annual meeting, which will be right here in Tucson, Arizona, September 15–18, 2016. The theme of next year’s meeting will be “What’s Next? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Advanced Prevention.”


Additional Resources:

HPDI’s ACAM page provides information about our partnership with ACAM as a preferred partner and silver level supporter for the ACAM 2015 annual meeting.

Contact Us:

You can reach HPDI by calling 1-800-228-4265, email support(at), or visit the retail website:

Health care professionals and retailers can apply for wholesale account, which includes access to the HPDI reseller website:

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