pH ADJUST Alkalinizing Formula is one of the few products from any company I take daily. I have taken it every day for at least three years. My pH balance is better than ever.
pH Adjust an alkalinizing product formulated to rapidly alkalinize and buffer acidity in the body. pH Adjust is a powder product formulated by my father (Dr. Hank Liers) using just four natural ingredients: potassium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium glycinate, and sodium bicarbonate.
Adding pH Adjust to water is one of the fastest ways of creating alkaline water that also provides healthy minerals. It mixes well in water, juices, tea, coffee, or in foods.
Modern diets and lifestyles tend to produce acidic conditions (acidosis) in the body. Diets too low in fruits and vegetables, and too high in meats and carbohydrates result in pH levels lower than recommended for good health. A blood pH level of lower than 7.35 is considered to be acidic, according to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). Ideally, you should be slightly alkaline with a pH of about 7.35–7.45.
Many alkalinizing supplements alkalinize effectively, but few offer all the additional benefits of buffering, remineralization, and support for bicarbonate reserves.
We will discuss the four main benefits of pH ADJUST in a bit more detail:
1. ALKALINIZE: The main benefit of pH Adjust is its ability to rapidly increase pH levels in the body. pH Adjust will boost your pH levels within a short period of time—usually less than 30 minutes, and sometimes much faster. This is testable using pH paper, which HPDI recommends using as a means of measuring salivary or urinary pH.
2. BUFFER: Increasing your pH levels is good. But not to the point of alkalosis—that is, going too far the other way—creating conditions that are too alkaline. The wonderful thing about pH Adjust is that is carefully designed NOT to push the body into extreme alkalinity, or alkalosis.
Instead, pH Adjust tends to bring the body to a pH of about 7.4. This is true whether the body is imbalanced toward the acidic or the alkaline side of the pH scale. pH Adjust is all about pH balance. It helps “adjust” pH levels toward normal.
3. REMINERALIZE: As mentioned above, the body uses minerals to alkalinize the body, including the blood. When acidic conditions prevail, the body may rob bones of minerals important for health, as a means of buffering the acidity to maintain optimal pH levels (7.35–7.45). When this happens, bones, joints, and connective tissues may suffer losses of the minerals from which they are composed. This says nothing of the loss of minerals used by the body for critical everyday purposes, like enzyme reactions, muscle activity, or brain function. pH Adjust helps remineralize the body.
4. REPLENISH BICARBONATE RESERVES: Bicarbonate or alkaline reserves are maintained by the kidneys. The body actually produces bicarbonates for the purpose of maintaining normal pH levels (7.35–7.45) and kidneys control the release of bicarbonate ions. There are also bicarbonate reserves in the bloodstream that the body uses for neutralizing acids.
Bicarbonate reserves decline with age, and there is an increased tendency toward acidic conditions in aging, as well. Therefore, it can be seen that maintaining adequate or optimal bicarbonate reserves can be important for acid-alkaline balance throughout life.
pH Adjust is a water-soluble powder supplement that balances pH levels, as well as supports and maintains alkaline conditions. Because pH Adjust alkalinizes the body, it can help counteract overly acidic conditions (acidosis), including those in the digestive tract, blood, kidneys, and other organ systems. pH Adjust provides a simple, powerful means for achieving healthy acid-base balance in the body.
- Alkalinize with Potassium and Sodium Bicarbonate and Magnesium Carbonate
- Acts Rapidly to Balance pH Levels; Helps Maintain a Healthy pH of 7.35–7.45
- Mixes Well in Water, Juices or Other Drinks, and Foods
- Tastes Good; Easy-to-Use Powder; 250 Servings per Container
- Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Vegan/Vegetarian; No Artificial Ingredients; 250 Grams
pH Adjust mixes well in water, coffee, tea, juice, or any healthy beverage.
pH Adjust Alkalinizing Formula contains only potassium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate, potassium glycinate, and sodium bicarbonate. It has no additional fillers. It is made in the USA (from domestic and imported source materials all of which are USP (United States Pharmacoepia) grade.
The main thing to remember is that keeping pH levels in the range of 7.34–7.45 supports an alkaline state in the body and prevents over-acidification. It is normal over the course of a day for pH levels to fluctuate (e.g., after meals), but most important is giving your body the foods and supplements that will help preserve a state of alkalinity.
Diet should your first line of defense. An adequate and steady dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, and purified water is vital to maintaining alkalinity. Unfortunately, this may not always be easy for everyone. As many studies show, average daily intake of fruits and vegetables is far lower than recommended for most people.
The processed food diets with a high protein and low vegetable content consumed by many people in the US and elsewhere often produce conditions in the body of acidity. This in turn leads to decreased oxygenation of cells and encourages a greater amount of anaerobic processes in metabolism. In addition, when the body is acidic calcium can be taken from bones and teeth in order to balance the acidity. This can lead to leaching of minerals from teeth and poor healing of bone fractures, for example.
Whether or not you fall into the category of consuming fewer than the recommended fruits and vegetables daily, you can still rely on a well-designed alkalinizing supplement like pH Adjust. pH Adjust contains only USP-grade (United States Pharmacoepia) ingredients. It is extremely easy to take (just mix with water or another suitable liquid, like coffee or tea), mix, and drink. It mixes easily in water with perhaps a few undissolved solids at the bottom of your cup. You can drink these, too.
Taking pH Adjust Alkalinizing Formula—and keeping a bottle of it ready for use—is an easy way of ensuring you maintain a pH level of about 7.4–7.6. This is especially true today when diet and lifestyle factors—including travel, eating out, insufficient fruit and vegetable intake, and the prevalence of acidifying foods like carbohydrates, sugars, and alcohol—don’t always predispose people to being alkaline, even most of the time.
As noted, your body strives to maintain a blood pH of 7.4 (slight alkalinity) at all costs. This means that when an individual—whether due to diet or lifestyle—falls into an acidic state, their body will rob minerals from bones in order to buffer acids to bring pH levels back to normal. This is where a formula like pH Adjust comes in handy, as it can help reduce stress on the body by providing the alkalinizing substances and minerals to maintain slight alkalinity.

Alkaline water is big business. You see it in most grocery stores in the bottled water section and many companies costly sell home water alkalinizer units. Alkaline water may be worth of cost for many people because of the many benefits it provides. For example, alkaline water offers proven benefits for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other issues.
A recent study found a significant difference in whole blood viscosity after consuming high-pH water compared to regular water after a strenuous workout. Viscosity is the direct measurement of how efficiently blood flows through the vessels, and it can increase oxygen delivery throughout out the body.
Additional benefits of alkaline water may include:
• Immune system support
• Anti-aging properties (liquid antioxidants absorb more quickly)
• Superior hydration
• weight loss
• Better sleep and reduced symptoms for those suffering from RLS (restless leg syndrome)
But you don’t need to purchase expensive waters to get these effects. In fact, alkalinizing water has never been easier, and you can do a better job of it on your own.
Adding pH Adjust to water is one of the fastest ways of creating alkaline water that also provides healthy minerals. It’s also far more economical! pH Adjust mixes well in water, juices, tea, coffee, or in foods. Many alkalinizing supplements alkalinize effectively, but pH Adjust provides the additional benefits of buffering, remineralization, and support for bicarbonate reserves.

As a dietary supplement, take 1 gm (about 1/2 tsp) of pH Adjust in 4–8 ounces of purified water preferably away from food, or as directed by a health care professional. For extremely acidic conditions, try 4–10 doses per day, depending on acidity level. Use pH paper to ensure pH levels remain balanced.
TESTING pH LEVELS: The best way to test pH levels is to use litmus paper, which HPDI offers in rolls (Hydrion brand) for this purpose. You can test salivary or urinary pH. In order to test salivary pH, simply use a small strip of pH paper to dip into a small amount of saliva. Advantages of pH paper include rapid results, ease of use, and cost effectiveness.
• Try taking pH Adjust away from food first thing in the morning and wait at least 20 minutes before eating. You can take it at other times of the day 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating.
• Measure your salivary or urine pH first thing in the morning in order to determine the pH status of your system. Most people have an acid pH (less than 7.0). As you start to take pH Adjust you may see the pH of your urine increase. You can slowly increase your dose of pH ADJUST until your morning saliva or urine pH is in the range of pH 7.0–7.5.

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“How to use pH Adjust Alkalinizing Formula in Coffee”
“How to Make Keto Coffee with pH Adjust – Alkalinizing Coffee”
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(Altern Ther Health Med, 13(4):62-5)
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