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Fred Liers PhD rejuvenate! berries & herbs superfoodI write a lot about superfood ingredients, and especially those in HPDI’s Rejuvenate! superfoods. One superfood I write about less often is Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs.

This may relate to the fact that Rejuvenate! Original and Rejuvenate! PLUS provide plenty of greens like chlorella and spirulina. Greens make these superfoods popular, and it is easy educating health care professionals and consumers alike on their benefits.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is different. It provides ultra-high ORAC value (14,200+) per serving. It also provides more dietary nucleic acids (390 mg) per serving than other Rejuvenate! superfoods. It tastes so good it may the HPDI’s best-tasting superfood. Even Health Ranger Mike Adams loves it, and stocks it in his online store.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs superfood
Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is one of three HPDI superfoods providing dietary nucleic acids.


But it lacks greens. And greens are what almost everyone wants. As noted, Rejuvenate! Original and PLUS formulas provide high levels of greens like chlorella and spirulina. Berries & Herbs provides none.

For some people, no greens is just great. We developed Berries & Herbs because we want to offer one superfood with high levels of dietary nucleic acids that does NOT contain greens.

Formulating a high-RNA superfood without greens is an admirable goal. Most of the dietary nucleic acids in Rejuvenate! superfoods (and dietary RNA is what makes HPDI superfoods unique) come from greens. For example, chlorella contains amazingly high levels of nucleic acids, more than any other ingredient.


Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs was created as superfood lacking greens. It suits its purpose because: 1) certain individuals cannot stomach greens like chlorella; 2) many people enjoy greens, but also desire variety; 3) many prefer a fruity, berry-flavored superfood for reasons of taste–and Berries & Herbs tastes delicious.

While the lack of greens could be perceived as a liability, it is one of the greatest benefits of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs.

rejuvenate! berries & herbs superfood greens continuum
Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is the HPDI superfood without greens.

In this article, I want to recap the benefits of Berries & Herbs and present some new information on ingredients, characteristics, and qualities of this unique, non-green superfood.


First, I haven’t written an article about Berries & Herbs since February 2014 when I published “Be Healthy with Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs.” That was an in-depth piece. And the information is still 100% true: I favor greens, as in greens provided by Rejuvenate! Original (greens) and Rejuvenate! PLUS (sweet greens).

One major difference: while I consume plenty of greens those green Rejuvenate! superfoods, there is now more room in my diet for non-green superfoods. That means Berries & Herbs.

I already take 5–10 servings per day of Rejuvenate! Original. That may sound like a lot, but I reduce my food intake to accommodate higher levels of superfoods. I feel satisfied with reduced food intake when consuming higher levels of superfoods.

As a result, my dietary nucleic acid intake is quite high. High levels of dietary nucleic acids are part of what make Rejuvenate! superfoods unique. High-purity and nutrient density are other major benefits.

I probably do not require more dietary nucleic acids (unlike athletes like pro cyclist Irena Ossola whose training and performance benefit from higher levels of dietary RNA). I already get sufficient RNA.

However, there are many reasons I consume Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs:

 Berries & Herbs can be more filling than Rejuvenate! Original. Therefore it makes a nutritious breakfast drink, or after breakfast power booster.

• Contains a full-spectrum multivitamin. It doesn’t replace my daily multivitamin (Hank & Brian’s Mighty Multi-Vite!), but it does give me an extra boost of vitamins/minerals in liquid form (smoothie, blender drink, or plain in almond milk, juice, or water).

• Tastes amazingly good. That means it makes a delicious and healthy “refresher”  or “snack” between meals. It also makes a great after dinner “dessert” drink.

• Makes yummy shakes of whatever consistency you like. You can use less liquid (or more Berries & Herbs) for a thicker shake. Add a drop or two of stevia if you desire a sweeter taste.

• Tasty replacement for drinks like hot cocoa, tea, or coffee.

• Blends well with milks, yogurt/kefir, nut milks, and herbal teas.

• Great addition to foods, including fruit, berries, granola, and grains.

• Nutritious when used as an ingredient in homemade bars (see bar recipes).

• Delicious in plain water and without added sweeteners.

• Kids love Berries & Herbs. It can be added to drinks and foods as a healthy booster. Since my son loves Berries & Herbs, I use it in his drinks and foods.

These are just a few of the advantages of Berries & Herbs that I know from personal experience, and from talking to many people who use it regularly.

rejuvenate! berries & herbs superfood


There’s a lot more to Rejuvenate! Berries and Herbs that you might guess. I identified eight key benefits of Berries & Herbs in my previous post. A few of these benefits overlap with those I mention (above) as reasons I consume Berries & Herbs. But most of the eight benefits are unique:









These eight benefits create a profile of advantages specific to Berries & Herbs. I will discuss most of these benefits below.


Before I talk about how good Berries & Herbs tastes (and did I mention it tastes really good?), I want to present information about dietary nucleic acids.

Dietary nucleic acids are so important for health that Dr. Benjamin S. Frank devoted his entire life to studying them. He declared them to be “essential nutrients” for health like vitamins and minerals.

One way dietary nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) support health is by boosting production of energy (ATP) in the body. When ATP production is high, the body has sufficient energy to support many of the biological functions required for keeping you healthy.

Read more about health benefits of dietary nucleic acids in my article, “9 Things to Know About Rejuvenate! Superfoods” and other blog articles.

Inspired by Dr. Frank’s scientific writings, my father Dr. Hank Liers formulated the series of Rejuvenate! superfoods specifically with the idea of providing high levels of dietary nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) to support optimal health. All three Rejuvenate! superfoods provide at least 340 mg of dietary nucleic acids.

To be exact, Rejuvenate! (Original) and Rejuvenate! PLUS both provide 340 mg of dietary nucleic acids per serving. Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs provides a whopping 390 mg of dietary nucleic acids!

That’s 50 mg more dietary nucleic acids per serving. As I noted, an extra 50 mg of dietary nucleic acids (Rejuvenate Berries & Herbs compared to other Rejuvenate! superfoods) may not seem like much, yet those servings add up.

At one serving daily, in a single week you will consume an “extra” 350 mg of dietary RNA (at 50 mg more per day). That is a full extra serving weekly. If you take two servings daily, that’s 700 mg additional dietary nucleic acids.

Dr. Frank tells us that a small amount dietary RNA goes a long way in terms of health benefits. He states that relatively small amounts of RNA (e.g., 100 mg daily) can provide noticeable health benefits.

Yet, larger amounts provide more benefits and create a stronger foundation for health (Frank 117). For example, individuals who benefit from larger amounts of RNA include athletes, individuals experiencing stress, and those seeking to recover from injuries.

An extra 350–700 mg dietary nucleic acids weekly can make a difference for health. It also means that a container Berries & Herbs can last longer than a container of Rejuvenate! PLUS in terms of providing more RNA per serving.

How much RNA do you need? That depends. 1,000 mg is a solid goal. That’s just two and one half (2.5) servings of Berries & Herbs or approximately five scoops.


Dr. Benjamin S. Frank and other experts suggest an “optimal” intake in the range of 1,000–1,500 mg. This means 2.5 to 4 servings per day, or five to eight small scoops of Berries & Herbs. This amount can reasonably be attained by consuming, for example, a morning smoothie and an afternoon shake with three scoops of Berries & Herbs each.

After reaching a daily intake of about 1,500 mg, the benefits obtained by increased RNA consumption begin leveling. Greater intake of nucleic acids beyond this amount seems to provide fewer benefits.

An Olympic athlete in training might benefit from a daily RNA intake of 2,500 or 3,000 mg. Yet, most of us don’t have these high requirements because we aren’t pushing our bodies to such a level of activity and intensity.

That doesn’t mean you can’t gain similar benefits as those that might be conferred to an Olympian by optimizing your daily intake at a level that gives you sufficient dietary nucleic acids for rejuvenation, energy, and vitality.

Begin with a serving or two per day of Berries & Herbs (or another Rejuvenate! superfood), and work up to 1,000–1,500 mg daily.


It takes the body a few weeks to become saturated with nucleic acids. For me, it seems to be about 12 days.

Thus it can initially take two to four weeks after starting a high-RNA diet to see the benefits of nucleic acids. You may immediately notice greater energy or body warmth. (Likewise, when you stop taking nucleic acids, the benefits will still last several weeks.)

By consuming Berries & Herbs regularly after the body is saturated with RNA, you easily maintain your body’s supply of dietary nucleic acids. Maintaining your daily intake of dietary RNA helps sustain health.


A major benefit of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is that it contains a high-potency multivitamin. Why is this important? While many people take a multivitamin, most multivitamins provide inadequate amounts of essential nutrients required for health.

In fact, many multivitamins provide the “Daily Value” established by the US government for critical nutrients. Daily values have replaced what was formerly known as “recommended daily allowances,” yet typically remain at or barely above levels required to prevent diseases of deficiency. These are not levels optimal for human health.

That is, daily values are not designed to create optimal health. They are minimum values based upon levels required for to avoid deficiencies. There is a huge difference between minimum levels needed for survival or prevent deficiencies. Indeed, the body assimilates and utilizes far higher levels to build and maintain robust health.

Still, the majority of multivitamins are formulated to provide minimum daily values. Thus, the majority of persons taking multivitamins obtain minimal values that do not create optimal health.

We at HPDI know the importance of a high-potency multivitamin for providing nutrients at levels that fall into ranges necessary for creating, supporting, and maintaining excellent health. After all, HPDI’s founder-formulator Dr. Hank Liers specializes in designing effective, high-potency multivitamins. He has done this for more than 25 years.

HPDI offer several excellent standalone multivitamins. But until the advent of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, only HPDI’s Rejuvenate! PLUS superfood included a built-in multivitamin.

Dr. Liers wanted to confer the same nutritional advantages to consumers of Berries & Herbs. The vitamins added to HPDI’s superfoods like Berries & Herbs may not in every case completely replace the need for a standalone multivitamin. However, they do make the formula far more nutritious and more effective, partly helping the body better utilize dietary nucleic acids.

When it came to formulating Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, Dr. Liers not only incorporated a high-potency multivitamin, but also made sure the forms of these vitamins would be only the ones best used by the body.

Many of the vitamins (including the B complex vitamins) in Berries & Herbs are coenyzme-form vitamins or other forms best-recognized and/or utilized in the body. Best recognized almost always means natural. For example, Berries & Herbs does not include folic acid, which is a synthetic form of folate, but instead use calcium folinate (folinic acid), the natural co-enzyme form of folate.

Here are the vitamins in one serving that make up the multivitamin complex in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs:



• VITAMIN D3 (1,000 IU) (250% OF DAILY VALUE)


• VITAMIN (100 MG)











This list of course does not include other vitamins in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs ingredients, such as nutrients found in vegetable sprout powders, vegetable protein powders, stabilized rice bran, or in many of the herbal ingredients like burdock, ginger, or turmeric.

Another advantage of coenzyme vitamins is the body needs less of any given coenzyme vitamin because it does not need to convert non-coenzyme vitamins into usable forms. Therefore, the body requires less of a coenzyme-form vitamin.

That is a good thing because it does not cause the body to waste energy using enzymes to convert synthetic vitamins into their coenzyme forms. While coenzyme vitamins are relatively expensive to source, they are often very affordable to consumers because the body only needs tiny amounts of them.

Unlike many conventional B vitamins typically used in multivitamins, there are no losses of coenzyme B vitamins in vivo (in the body) due to conversion processes because they are immediately recognized by the body. This represents a powerful boost in effectiveness for minimal rise in cost.

HPDI uses coenzyme vitamins in many of their products because of their high value in terms of health and well being. The future of vitamin supplements lies in coenzyme-form vitamins because they are the most natural and most effective, and the most easily assimilated by the body.

In fact, HPDI was among the first companies to incorporate coenzyme form vitamins into its formulas. Dr. Hank Liers understands their value for human health. We will continue formulating products with coenzyme vitamins like Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs.


The vitamins (including coenzyme-form vitamins) in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs provide a significant benefit. They boost the effectiveness of the dietary nucleic acids.

Dr. Benjamin S. Frank certainly was clear about the effects of vitamins on the human body, including its capacity for using dietary RNA for therapeutic purposes. In his regimen for using nucleic acids for health as documented in Dr. Frank’s No-Aging Diet, he recommends taking a “therapeutic-strength” multivitamin daily (76).

Dr. Frank performed many human and animal studies using dietary nucleic acids. He nearly always included vitamins in his regimens. Very often he placed subjects on separate B-complex supplements.

Dr. Frank specifically states that the addition vitamin B-complex to the RNA regimen enhances the effects of dietary RNA. For example, he mentions how the B-complex support the rejuvenating effects of RNA on facial skin (Nucleic Acid Nutrition and Therapy 27).

Dr. Frank often specifies additional vitamins for dealing with certain conditions. For example, in his chapter on how his no-aging diet can help with osteoarthritis, he recommends patients take an additional 250 mg of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and 500 mg of vitamin C.

In his writings on dietary recommendations, Dr. Frank not only recommends B-complex vitamins, but also vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin D. He also incorporates a wide range of minerals in his formulas for patients.

Minerals he recommends include magnesium, zinc, and potassium. He also mentions other nutrients, such as coenzyme Q (ubiquinone/ubiquinol), enzymes, amino acids (e.g., carnosine, glutathione), and natural sugars (e.g., ribose and deoxyribose).

The inclusion of a complete multivitamin complex in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs helps make dietary nucleic acids more effective.

Learn more about our complete line of foundational supplements, including multivitamins.


Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is an excellent, well-balanced superfood. Few superfoods stack up against it when you consider all the nutrition it provides.

Which brings us to another benefit: High antioxidant values. Berries & Herbs is in a class by itself when it comes to providing antioxidant power. That is, the power to quench free radicals.

One measure of the antioxidant values of foods and nutrients is ORAC value. ORAC stands for “oxygen radical absorbance capacity.” An ORAC test measures antioxidant capacities in vitro (test tube).

ORAC by itself is not the only or necessarily the best measure of antioxidant value because the oxygen radicals are not the only oxidants. A more comprehensive test would be the ORAC5.0 test, which measures the free-radical quenching powers of a sample against five different types of oxidants.

Nevertheless, ORAC remains a useful guide to the oxidant quenching powers of a superfood. Berries & Herbs provides an ORAC value of greater than 14,270 units per 38.9 gram serving.

There exist few individual foods, for example, that exhibit an ORAC value anywhere close to this figure. Even the highest-ORAC foods (like prunes or blueberries) fall short, being at most one-third as effective.

Most individual berries provide ORAC values in the range of 5,000–7,000 units per 100 gram serving (usually one cup or eight ounces), which translates into about 50–70 ORAC units per gram. Berries & Herbs tops such figures by providing 367 ORAC units per gram.

This means the ORAC value provided by Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs in a single two-scoop serving (about 5 tablespoons) equals the ORAC the average high-ORAC berry (about 60 ORAC units/gram) provides in about six one-cup servings (48 tablespoons).

Serving-for-serving, Berries & Herbs is greater than six times more potent as an antioxidant substance than most foods considered high-ORAC. It also means you’ll need to consume far less Berries & Herbs to gain the antioxidant benefits you would from a much larger quantity of high-ORAC foods.

Berries & Herbs offers 367 ORAC units per gram! One serving is about 39 grams, so there is a huge amount of free-radical quenching power in just a single serving.

How huge is that? Since Berries & Herbs provides 14,276 ORAC units per serving (38.9 grams), then for a typical 100 gram ORAC equivalency, it provides an ORAC value of 36,684. Most ORAC food charts stop at about 14,500 units per 100 g (and average high-ORAC foods hover at 5,000 units per 100 g) to put those values in perspective.

Gram for gram, Berries & Herbs offers more than twice the ORAC value of the highest ORAC foods. And at least five to seven times more ORAC value than “average” high-ORAC foods (strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries) providing 5,000–7,000 ORAC units per 100 grams).

Antioxidant power is a unique benefit for Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs, and one that is hard to be matched by any superfood, anywhere.


I will talk more about about antioxidant nutrients in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs when discussing its cell-protecting herb and nutrient blend.

The major free-radical quenching power Berries & Herbs actually lies in its berry and polyphenol content. The extraordinary free radical-quenching capacities of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs relate directly to the fact that berries, as well as plant-based polyphenols (like those found in grapes and grape extract) contain relatively large quantities of antioxidants.

Also, the berries and polyphenols in in the formula come in highly concentrated forms. For example, we include potent berry blends like VitaBerry® Plus® and a carefully selected organic freeze-dried berry complex. The blends provide many types of berries, polyphenols, and other antioxidant nutrients acting synergistically to create higher ORAC values than a formula with fewer types of these berries or polyphenols.


Many plant-based antioxidants also act as Nrf2 activators. Nrf2 is a transcription factor encoded in human genes and whose antioxidant response pathway is our primary cellular defense against oxidative stresses. Nrf2 increases expression of important antioxidant enzymes in cells.

What this means is that Nrf2 activators are substances that activate the cells’ own production of antioxidant defenses. Because there is significant overlap between the food-based (i.e., exogenous) antioxidants and Nrf2 activators stimulating the body’s production of its own antioxidant enzymes, the berry complexes and polyphenols in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs serve double-duty as externally supplied antioxidants and stimulators of the body’s own antioxidant production.

The study of Nrf2 activator nutrients is an exciting area of research due to the potential for Nrf2 activators to significantly boost human health by enabling the body to unlock its potential for creating antioxidants.

The body already produces its own antioxidant defenses, but Nrf2 activators significantly enhance this process, thereby allowing far greater production of antioxidants for cell protection.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs was not formulated as a Nrf2 activator formula. Yet, research shows there is significant overlap among the antioxidant substances in Berries & Herbs and nutrients known for activating Nrf2 transcription factor.

Known Nrf2 activators in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs include vegetable sprouts powder, blueberry powder, cranberry powder, strawberry powder, raspberry powder, vitaberry plus, burdock root, astragalus, turmeric, ginger root, rhodiola rosea (root), rutin, n-acetyl-l-cysteine, milk thistle extract, licorice (root), green tea extract, dandelion root, vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), lipoic acid, grape extract, and transresveratrol.

To learn more about Nrf2 activators, please see “The Amazing Healing Potential of Natural Nrf2 Activators,” “Natural Phytochemical Nrf2 Activators for Chemoprevention,” and other Nrf2-related articles on HPDI blog.

HPDI also offers Ultimate Protector, which is an antioxidant, vitamin C, and Nrf2 activator formula in a capsule. Ultimate Protector is not a high-RNA superfood, but a standalone HPDI foundational supplement. The two formulas can be combined, and in fact are formulated so they can be taken together in the HPDI system. Six small capsules of Ultimate Protector provide 486,000 ORAC5.0 units per serving. When taken together, the two formulas product more than 500,000 ORAC5.0 units per serving.

As noted, Berries & Herbs is not formulated as an antioxidant or Nrf2 activator formula per se. Yet, it provides significant antioxidant and Nrf2 activation.

When any Rejuvenate! superfood (including Berries & Herbs) is combined with Ultimate Protector (or another vitamin C and antioxidant formula), a multivitamin (like Multi Two), and essential fats (like Essential Fats Plus E), all four types of foundational formulas work together to support optimal health. Read more about how HPDI’s foundational supplements system works to support optimal health.


One of the top features provided by Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is a blend of foods, herbs, and nutrients that collectively constitute a “subformula” created to support cell function and optimal cellular health.

Because this cell-protecting subformula contains many proven ingredients, it may appear to be more nutrient-dense substances heaped on top of an already densely packed Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs superfood.

But the cell-protecting blend is something totally different. It’s not related to nucleic acid content, or to the built-in coenzyme B vitamin complex, or the high-quality protein content. It is a groundbreaking, game-changing set of ingredients that sets Berries & Herbs apart from nearly every superfood, including other Rejuvenate! superfoods.

The truth is that today our cells are under constant attack by thousands of different stresses. They are bombarded by toxic chemicals in the air, water, and soil. These chemicals include everything from pesticides and herbicides to household cleaning chemicals and industrial contaminants.

Our cells are also attacked by radiation. For example, elevated levels due to nuclear accidents like Fukushima and high background levels remaining from nuclear tests. Not to mention exposures from medical and dental x-rays. All these exposures lead to cumulative damage.

Other cellular toxins include daily exposures to chlorine, fluoride, bromine, and other halogens. And of course, exposures to heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium from numerous other sources like dental amalgams, old paint, contaminated fish, and many other sources.

There are many other toxins our cells must deal with daily. Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is formulated to help cells deal with this assault by providing nutrients that support optimal function. This includes supporting your antioxidant defenses, immune system, energy production system, detoxification, and other important functions.

Dr. Hank Liers initially created this subformula of ingredients at the request of veterinarian Randy Aronson, VMD, who is Dr. Liers partner in the development of the 2Docs line of pet wellness formulas (

Dr. Randy was looking for a potent combination of ingredients that could optimally support the health and vigor, as well as recovery from illness of many of his pet patients suffering from degenerative diseases. Dr. Hank’s formula worked for Dr. Randy’s animal patients.

Dr. Hank saw its potential benefits for people. He began thinking about what a human version of the formula might look like, and how it could be incorporated into a product. At the time, HPDI was developing it’s latest Rejuvenate!™ superfood. While formulating the superfood, Dr. Hank realized that these “herbs” and other nutrients could perfectly complement the “berries” he put in the formula. “Berries & Herbs” was born.

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs thus contains a cell-protecting blend of organic and/or wildcrafted herbs and antioxidants. The cell-protecting subformula includes the following ingredients:

Organic astragalus, organic burdock root, organic turmeric root, organic ginger root, n-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC), k-rutin™, standardized milk-thistle extract (>82% silymarin), standardized green tea extract (>95% polyphenols, >55% EGCG), organic licorice root, organic dandelion root, organic dulse, organic kelp, standardized Rhodiola rosea root (>3% rosavins), alpha-lipoic acid, BioVin™ grape seed, skin, and pulp extract, Immune-Assist™ (synergistic blend of organic mushroom extracts including Agaricus blazei, Cordyceps sinensis hybrid, Lentinula edodes, Grifola frondosa, Ganoderma lucidum, and Coriolus versicolor), transresveratrol (from Polygonum cuspidatum), germanium sesquioxide, and l-selenomethionine.

This subformula of ingredients makes a Berries & Herbs almost a “stealth” superfood. That is, many of the other benefits are more directly evident. Like high level of vegetarian-friendly protein or a built-in multivitamin.

The inclusion of dietary nucleic acids may be more obviously beneficial than cell-protective nutrients. But the subformula of cell-protective nutrients and herbs offers major benefits.

A nutritionist might read the label and realize the immune-building power of the cell-protective subformula. An acupuncturist might see its capacity for increasing energy or “chi.” A naturopath may identify potential for detoxification. In fact, most health professionals recognize value in the subformula’s ingredients.

The cell-supporting subformula is effective for supporting immunity, energy production, and detoxification, and other healthy benefits. The herbs and nutrients in the cell-supporting subformula make Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs unique, and distinguishes it from other superfoods.


Beyond the advantages of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs discussed, you might think the benefits stop there. But here is another one: Berries & Herbs is a high-protein powerhouse.

Dr. Hank Liers designed Berries & Herbs not only as a great-tasting, well-rounded superfood with dietary nucleic acids, multivitamins and minerals, but also as a high protein formula.

Higher protein (12 g per serving) means more complete nutritional support for people using Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs as a food, snack, or nutritious drink.

The 12 grams of protein in a single two-scoop serving of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is about six rounded tablespoons of it.

It’s easy to consume two scoops at a time because it tastes so good. Whether you choose to mix it in a smoothie, shake it up in jar, drink it plain in water, or add to fresh juice, you can count on its protein to help sustain you.

Adult females require about 46 grams of protein per day. Two servings of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs provides a woman with more than half (52%) of her daily recommended intake of protein.

Adult males require more protein (about 56 grams daily) than females. But even for men, two servings of Berries & Herbs provide almost 43% of their recommended daily protein intake.


The high-quality protein in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs comes from non-GMO brown rice, organic sprouted flaxseed (powder), organic hemp protein (powder), and a blend of garden sprouts. Here is the breakdown of the major protein sources in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs:

• High Protein Organic Garden Sprout Blend (3,000 mg/serving). Included in this blend are pea protein, quinoa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, daikon radish sprouts, red clover sprouts, and natural vanilla favor. Greater than 65% protein.

• Brown Rice Protein (Non-GMO) (9,000 mg/serving)

• Flaxseed Powder (3,000 mg/serving) (15–30% protein)

• Organic Hemp Protein Powder with Fiber (3,000 mg/serving)

I will present more information (below) regarding specific nutritional information for each of these superior vegetable-based protein sources. Selenium (from l-Selenomethionine), and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).


I rarely save best things for last. But while delicious taste may not be a health benefit, it qualifies as one of the outstanding features of Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs.

Berries & Herbs has a beautiful aroma and flavor that tickles taste buds with intense berry flavors and lingering fruity notes. Its taste is like a blast of berries in the mouth probably because that’s exactly what it is.

Most people like it. I myself was astonished that a superfood could taste so good.  If you haven’t tried it before, you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised.

Below I include detailed information about Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs. Here is a superfood you can rely on for solid nutrition, great taste, and high levels of dietary nucleic acids supporting optimal health. ~

rejuvenate! berries & herbs high-RNA superfood
Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is a Dr. Hank Liers “original” formula.



VitaBerry® Plus® (400 mg/serving)

VitaBerry® Plus® is a nutritious ingredient having extremely high ORAC value and is derived from freeze-dried Grape Seed, Wild Blueberry, Wild Bilberry, Cranberry, Tart Cherry, Prune, Raspberry Seed, Strawberry, Resveratrol, and Quercetin. In fact, this powder has an ORAC value in excess of 1.2 million units per 100 grams. Therefore at the 400 mg level that this material is found in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs it provides a minimum of 4,800 ORAC units. Because excessive exposure to free radicals may cause severe pain and inflammation, high-ORAC VitaBerry® Plus® significantly can contribute to preventing oxidative damage in the body.

VitaBerry® Plus® provides the following benefits:

• Superior source of natural antioxidants

• Helps prevent the effects of premature aging

• Promotes cardiovascular health

• Promotes healthy brain function and mental acuity

• Promotes healthy vision

• Promotes healthy blood sugar levels

• Excellent source of flavonoids and organic acids

• Promotes urinary tract health

• Promotes healthy skin


The freeze-dried berry complex in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is a proprietary blend of organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries. Berries contain many powerful phytochemicals that can improve health. They are high in fiber and relatively low in sugar, and will not lead to surges to insulin when eaten in moderation.


The berries of the blueberry plant (Vaccinium angustfolium) exhibit among the highest levels of antioxidant activity of all fruits and vegetables. In particular, they contain the polyphenol anthocyanin (a pigment that gives fruits their red, purple and dark blue colors).

Anthocyanins are powerful flavonoid antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical damage and diseases associated with aging. Blueberries contain not only 25-30 different types of anthocyanins, but also chlorogenic acid (believed to be a tumor inhibitor), and the pigment cyanidin (an anti-inflammatory).

Blueberries contain silicon (an element believed to be helpful for the pancreas) and are considered to be helpful for diabetes.

Blueberries also have been effective for many health conditions, and may protect the body against age related declines in neural and cognitive functions, short-term memory loss, macular degeneration of the retina, and urinary tract infections (due to compounds that inhibit the adherence of bacteria to uroepithelial walls).

There is evidence that blueberries may improve glucose metabolism via the action of chlorogenic acid, serve as a powerful anti-inflammatory agents (useful against arthritis and other inflammatory conditions), and reduce the risk of tumorigenesis.

The antioxidant power of foods is measured in ORAC units (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which indicate the total amount of a food’s antioxidant capacity. High ORAC values indicate greater antioxidant capacity. High-ORAC foods may therefore protect cells from oxidative damage.

Two studies have shown that eating high-ORAC fruits and vegetables (or doubling the intake of fruits and vegetables) elevates the antioxidant capacity of the blood 13-25% (see Jrnl of Clinical Nutrition 68: 1081-87).

When ORAC values for 40 fruits and vegetables were measured by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service at its Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University, fresh blueberries scored the near the top, having 2,400 ORAC units per 100 grams (3.5 ounces).

Serum levels of anthocyanins found in blueberries have been shown to rise significantly after ingestion of freeze-dried blueberry powder and correlate with an increase in serum antioxidant capacity as measured in ORAC units (Mazza et al., Jrnl of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (26): 7731-37; 2002)


Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) are native to the boggy regions of temperate and subalpine North America and Europe. Although Native Americans used them extensively, they were first cultivated in the U.S. in the early 19th century. Cranberries grow on viney plants belonging to the heath family Ericaceae that also includes blueberries, bilberries, huckleberries, and bearberries (Arctostaphylos uva ursi).

Cranberries contain tannins, fiber, anthocyanins (and other flavonoids), and Vitamin C. Their tannins prevent bacteria from attaching to cells. Consequently, cranberries have been used against infections, including urinary tract infections. In addition, cranberries may be helpful in protecting against heart disease and stroke.

Cranberries are an especially good source of antioxidant polyphenols. In animal studies, the polyphenols in cranberries have been found to decrease levels of total cholesterol and so-called “bad” cholesterol. Cranberries may also inhibit the growth of tumors in human breast tissue and lower the risk of both stomach ulcers and gum disease.


Raspberries (and blackberries) belong to the rose family (Rosaceae). The red raspberry was first cultivated in Europe about 400 years ago. There are several varieties native to North America, including a black raspberry native to southern states (that has been crossed with European varieties) and a red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) from which originate most commercially grown varieties.

Raspberries contain anthocyanins, fiber (including the cholesterol lowering soluble form pectin), phytochemicals (ellagic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid), calcium, and vitamins A, C, and E. Ellagic acid is known to be antiviral, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, and antimutagenic. It has been shown to inhibit the mutation of cells and to prevent the binding of carcinogens to DNA.

Raspberries have 1,220 ORAC units per 100 grams (3.5 ounces), among the highest of the forty fruits and vegetables tested by the USDA.


Strawberries long have grown wild in the world’s temperate regions. They have been cultivated for several thousand years and were prized among the ancient Romans. Most of the common varieties of strawberry derive from a hybrid (Frangaria x ananassa).

Strawberries have an ORAC value of 1,540, which is very high among the fruits and vegetables tested by the USDA. They are a good source of vitamins C, K, B2, B5, B6, and folate. They also contain appreciable amounts of the minerals manganese, iodine, and potassium, as well as dietary fiber. Like other berries, the antioxidants contained in strawberries may be useful against diseases of the heart and arteries by preventing the oxidation of lipids.

The phytonutrient phenols most abundant in strawberries are anthocyanins and ellagitannins. The anthocyanins help to prevent oxidative damage from free radicals in body. The unique phenol profile of the strawberry enables it not only to protect the heart, but also to fight inflammation.

Studies have shown strawberries protect the brain from oxidative stress and may therefore reduce age-related cognitive decline in brain function.



Astragalus is derived from the root of a plant (Astragalus membranaceus) in the pea family. It is an adaptogen, meaning it has a balancing effect on bodily functions. Astragalus is often used to strengthen or tone the body’s overall vitality, improve digestion, and support the spleen. Studies confirm it contains biologically active compounds, including a polysaccharide that stimulates the immune system.

ORGANIC BURDOCK ROOT (200 mg per serving)

Burdock root is one of the foremost cleansing herbs, providing nourishing support for the blood, the liver, and the natural defense system. It is rich in Vitamins B1, B6, B12, and E, as well as manganese, copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, and more. Burdock root is often found in tonic formulas and special blends designed for internal cleansing.

In traditional herbal texts, Burdock root is described as a “blood purifier” or “alterative” and was believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins. During the industrial revolution, Burdock was used as a medicine to help people cope with the increasing environmental pollution.

Burdock root has been used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis, as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic. In traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root, in combination with other herbs, is used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and even measles. It is eaten as a vegetable in Japan and elsewhere. Burdock is a mild laxative. It also aids in the elimination of uric acid. The herb contains polyacetylenes that have both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.


Turmeric, a polyphenol, contains substances called curcuminoids that are powerful antioxidants, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatories. Curcuminoids have been shown to exhibit antibacterial activity.

ORGANIC GINGER ROOT (150 mg per serving)

Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale) is an incredibly active and effective gastrointestinal aid with the following properties: 1) Contains a digestive enzyme whose effectiveness even exceeds that of papain; 2) Stimulates the flow of saliva and increases the concentration of the digestive enzyme amylase in the saliva; and 3) Activates peristalsis and increases intestinal muscle tone. Ginger is also known to be helpful in cases of nausea.

N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE (NAC) (100 mg per serving)

NAC is a powerful free radical scavenger. A majority of orally ingested NAC rapidly undergoes deacetylation to form L-cysteine, which is necessary for glutathione production. NAC, therefore, has powerful implications for immune function and increasing the body’s free-radical trapping capacity.

NAC’s effectiveness in treating patients with acetaminophen overdose is well documented. NAC has been used with good results in treatment of respiratory illness and diseases such as chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Additionally, NAC has well-known antimucolytic properties, and has been shown to increase mucociliary transport in lungs.

k-RUTIN™ (100 mg per serving)

Rutin (quercetin-3-rutinoside) is a glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin. The chemical structure of rutin and quercetin consequently are very similar. Indeed, both rutin and quercetin are used in many countries as medications for blood vessel protection, and both are found as ingredients in numerous nutritional supplement preparations and herbal remedies.

k-Rutin™ is an alkalinized form of rutin having greater solubility than the rutin included in traditional nutritional supplements. That is, based on laboratory studies, it is a more soluble anthocyanin moiety (functional group) than rutin.


• Rutin inhibits platelet aggregation and decreases capillary permeability, which thins blood and improves circulation

• Rutin exerts anti-inflammatory activity

• Rutin inhibits aldose reductase activity. Aldose reductase is an enzyme normally present in the eye and elsewhere in the body. It helps change glucose into a sugar alcohol called sorbitol that is associated with cataract formation

• Rutin strengthens capillaries. It therefore can reduce symptoms of capillary- and circulatory-related health conditions, including hemophilia. It also may help prevent common venous edemas of legs and feet.

• Rutin can reduce cytotoxicity of oxidized LDL cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease

• Evidence indicates rutin can be used to treat hemorrhoids, varicosis, and microangiopathy

• Rutin acts as an antioxidant. A study of the superoxide anion scavenging activity of rutin and six other flavonoids (including quercetin, morin, acacetin, hispidulin, hesperidin, and naringin) showed rutin had the strongest scavenging activity.

• Rutin provides essential support molecules for Vitamin C absorption and helps prevent breakdown of Vitamin C in the body before it is metabolized

• Rutin is believed to stabilize the collagen matrix by preventing free-radical damage, thereby helping to maintain the health of the body’s collagen

Rutin is a flavonoid (or bioflavonoid) within a class of flavonoids that includes hesperidin, quercetin, eriodictyl, and citron. Rutin is essential for the absorption of Vitamin C.

While rutin in nature is found in many nutritious foods (e.g., citrus, red apples, teas, broccoli, onions), it is easily taken in supplement form. This is especially important because the body cannot produce flavonoids. They must be supplied through diet (and it is prudent to take them in supplemental form in order to maximize health).

Flavonoids boost the effectiveness of Vitamin C, improve eye health, strengthen capillaries, reduce cholesterol, improve blood circulation, and act as antioxidants. Recent studies indicate flavonoids may be a significant factor in guarding the body against infections and major illnesses.


Extensive research has shown that silymarin – the major component of milk thistle extract – exerts both a protective and restorative effect on the liver and is able to stimulate the growth of new liver cells to replace old damaged cells.


Green tea extract is used primarily for its free radical fighting capabilities. Its key ingredient, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), protects against digestive and respiratory infections. It helps block the tumor-promoting actions of carcinogens, ultraviolet light, and metastasis from an original site in the skin, stomach, small intestine, liver or lung. EGCG also reduces platelet aggregation about as much as aspirin.

Green tea is very effective in inhibiting pathogenic bacteria that cause food poisoning and increases levels of friendly intestinal bacteria. It also blocks the attachment of the bacteria associated with dental caries to the teeth.

ORGANIC LICORICE ROOT (100 mg per serving)

Licorice is a moist, soothing herb that is anti-inflammatory and expectorant, controls coughing and has hormonal and laxative effects. It is further used to prevent liver toxicity and to treat tuberculosis and adreno-corticoid insufficiency.

Licorice contains flavonoids, isoflavonoids, chalcones, and triterpene saponins, with the main being glycyrrhetinic acid with 24-hydroxyglycyrrhetinic acid (which is 100 times sweeter than sugar).

Licorice is used internally for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, peptic ulcer, arthritis, allergic complaints and after steroid therapy. It is said to accelerate the healing of peptic ulcers and is used in cases of adreno-corticoid insufficiency. It is also used in Chinese medicine to revitalize the heart and treat palpitations, boosting the spleen, for coughing and wheezing, as well as detoxifying the body and digestive system.


Dandelion root enhances the flow of bile, improving such conditions as liver congestion, bile duct inflammation, hepatitis, gallstones, and jaundice.

ORGANIC NOVA SCOTIA DULSE (100 mg per serving)

The dulse in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is hand-harvested, low-temperature sun-dried, and immediately milled into a fine powder. The entire harvesting and handling process follows strict organic standards to eliminate possible processing contamination. Analytical testing shows that our dulse contains approximately 30% minerals including over 30 minerals (includes many trace minerals).

ORGANIC ICELANDIC KELP (100 mg per serving)

The milled kelp (Laminaria digitata) in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs grows deep in the cold subtidal waters of northwestern Iceland. This kelp is the only commercially available kelp that is sustainably harvested, dried, milled and bagged following the organic standards of Quality Assurance International. It is also an excellent source of organic iodine.


Rhodiola rosea (aka “Arctic root”) is categorized as an adaptogen due to its observed ability to increase resistance to a variety of chemical, biological, and physical stressors. It has a reputation for stimulating the nervous system, improving depression, enhancing work performance, improving sleep, eliminating fatigue, and preventing high altitude sickness.

Rhodiola species contain a range of antioxidant compounds, including p-tyrosol, organic acids (gallic acid, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid), and flavonoids (catechins and proanthocyanidins).

The adaptogenic properties, cardiopulmonary protective effects, and central nervous system activities of Rhodiola rosea have been attributed primarily to its ability to influence levels and activity of biogenic monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the cerebral cortex, brain stem, and hypothalamus.

ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID (75 mg per serving)

Alpha lipoic acid is normally made in the human body, where it functions primarily as an important metabolic nutrient. As such, it plays a crucial role in the metabolism of both fats and carbohydrates into energy. In addition, lipoic acid functions as an extremely powerful antioxidant capable of trapping many different types of free radicals in the body.

Because it is both water and fat soluble, lipoic acid can operate in a broader range of body tissues than most other antioxidants. Its small size allows lipoic acid to enter areas of the body not easily accessible to many other substances; this allows lipoic acid, for example, to enter the cell nucleus and prevent free-radical damage to DNA.

Because it is such a powerful antioxidant and can easily function and exist in both a reduced and oxidized state, lipoic acid can protect other important antioxidants such as glutathione, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. Lipoic acid is also able to chelate heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, free iron, and free copper out of the body.


The BioVin™ grape extract in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is extracted by ethanol and water and contains the highest percentage of OPCs of any product on the market. OPCs, a class of bioflavonoids, are one of nature’s most powerful free-radical scavengers.

As bioflavonoids, OPCs help to increase the effectiveness of Vitamin C. OPCs cross the blood-brain barrier to provide antioxidant protection to central nervous system tissue.

Studies have clearly demonstrated that OPCs improve and normalize capillary activity, strengthening capillary walls. OPCs bind to collagen fibers, realigning them in the process to a more youthful, undamaged structure. Elasticity, flexibility, and strength are thereby restored to connective tissue.

IMMUNE-ASSIST™ (40 mg per serving)

A combination of more than 200 different polysaccharides, derived from the enzymatic breakdown of complex organic plant material from six different species of medicinal mushrooms.

These mushrooms include Agaricus blazei, Cordyceps sinensis hybrid, Lentinula edodes, Grifola frondosa, Ganoderma lucidum, andCoriolus versicolor. Immune-Assist™ is made in the US using only USDA Certified Organic materials.

Immune-Assist is similar to other mushroom based polysaccharides in that it is formulated through an enzymatically activated process whereby complex cross-linked polysaccharides from vegetable sources are converted to biologically active immunomodulators composed of simpler sugars such as arabinose and xylose.

Immune-Assist™ does contain simple polysaccharides, but it also contains much more complex polysaccharides, including cross-linked beta mannans and beta-glucans, and hetero-polysaccharides which combine both alpha- and beta-bound monosaccharides in the same molecule. These complex polysaccharide compounds are not found in earlier-generation bran-based supplements like AHCC. This is the reason that Immune-Assist™shows such a greater range of immuno-modulation bioactivity than any other bran-based supplements.

Immune-Assist™ not only contains arabinoxylane, but also lentinan, grifolan (Dr. Nanba’s original Maitake D-Fraction), PSK and PSP, and active hemicellulose correlated compound (AHCC).


Trans-resveratrol provides anti-oxidant protection, boosts cellular energy, and balances the immune system. It has been proven in studies to activate the SIRT1 longevity gene and enhance cellular productivity. Several research studies have shown that trans-resveratrol significantly modulates biomarkers of bone metabolism, inhibits pro-inflammatory enzymes such as COX-1 and COX-2, and exhibits chemopreventive agents, anticarcinogenic properties, cardioprotective effects, neuroprotective properties, and caloric restrictive behavior. Trans-resveratrol has shown the ability to increase the number of mitochondria thereby increasing total daily energy.

Studies have shown that trans-resveratrol promotes an increase in mitochondrial function, that translates into an increase in energy availability, improved aerobic capacity, and enhanced sensorimotor function.

GERMANIUM SESQUIOXIDE (15 mg per serving)

Germanium sesquioxide shows considerable promise in immune support by boosting levels of gamma interferon in a dose dependant fashion. Studies indicate that germanium sesquioxide may be effective in combating certain viral and malignant conditions. Other studies suggest benefits toward free radical damage, cataracts, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

SELENIUM (from L-SELENOMETHIONINE) (25 mcg per serving)

Selenium is a trace mineral required in the body. Its primary function is carried out in the form of selenomethionine, which is incorporated into four active sites of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme protects the body against free-radical damage (especially when it occurs in cell membranes) caused by the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids.

Selenium historically has been linked to Vitamin E because Vitamin E blocks the production of oxidized fatty acids in cell membranes. Selenium also appears to exert antioxidant activity by itself. Selenium is involved in the production and utilization of thyroid hormone, and it is antagonistic to heavy metals, including lead, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium.

According to a publication of the National Research Council (NRC), “One could reasonably suppose that selenium is involved [e.g., exerts a protective function] in such human medical problems as cataracts, diseases of the liver, cardiovascular or muscular diseases, and the aging process.” Selenium in its vital role in glutathione peroxidase affects all components of the immune system, including the development and function of all white blood cells.


For thousands of years individuals have been using the healing power of vegetable sprouts. When a dormant seed begins to sprout, it enters a stage of tremendous vitality. Antioxidants and enzymes are produced that protect the developing plant and enable rapid growth.

Exciting new research has identified the role of glucosinolates and iosthiocyanates (classes of phytochemicals inherent in sprouts) that appear to positively influence metabolism in the human body.

Studies have suggested that sprout phytonutrients can promote the maintenance of healthy organs, healthy anti-inflammatory conditions, reduce the effects of toxins, and help to fight the effects of age-related free-radical activity.

The specific blend of sprouts used in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs was chosen to provide all of the above benefits while also yielding a blend with greater than 65% protein. Included in this blend are pea protein, quinoa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, daikon radish sprouts, red clover sprouts, and natural vanilla favor.


The rice protein in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is extracted using a proprietary enzyme process starting from non-genetically modified rice. Our rice protein is processed without the use of acids, bases or other chemicals. In addition, the protein content of the extracted product is over 70%. That is substantially higher than other extraction methods (less than 53%) that leave a much higher percentage of carbohydrate in the end product. The protein of brown rice contains all of the essential amino acids, but it is somewhat low in the amino acid lysine. For this reason we have added supplemental lysine (400 mg/serving) to the formula.


Flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) contain essential fatty acids (an excellent vegetarian source of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid), protein, soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, antioxidant lignans, minerals, and vitamins. Lignans are a phytoestrogens considered to be antioxidants. Flax seeds contain among the highest levels of lignans among all plant foods.

Whole flax seeds are an excellent nutritional food. However, whole flax seeds can be difficult to digest and its nutrients typically are poorly absorbed. Flax seeds contain natural enzyme inhibitors that prevent digestion. This natural protective mechanism means that a seed may be eaten, pass through the body, and still grow into a plant (i.e., completely surviving the digestive process!).

Milling or grinding the seeds does not decrease natural enzyme inhibitors that reduce the bioavailability of flax. Only sprouting decreases natural inhibitors that otherwise will prevent complete digestion, absorption, and assimilation of flax seeds.

Flaxseed Powder provides an ideal solution to maximize health benefits of flax seeds. The process of germination fundamentally changes nutrient composition of the seed.

Nutrients including enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins substantially increase and become more bioavailable. This allows for better availability and absorption of these nutrients in the body. For example, sprouting flaxseed doubles antioxidant (ORAC) value. In addition, “anti-nutrients” such as phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors, and insoluble fibers all decrease. This further increases bioavailability and nutrient absorption of flax, and thereby boosting the health benefits attainable from consuming it.

The flaxseed powder in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs contain oil amounts varying between 38–45%, with the oil offering a high percentage (47–53%) of the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and 15–18% omega-6 linoleic acid.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential fatty acid acting in the human body as a substratum for the transformation into EPA and DHA through the action of desaturation and elongation enzymes. The seeds also contain some omega-6 essential fatty acids and exhibit a favorable omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 3:1. Modern diets contain too few omega-3 fatty acids.

Flaxseed powder possess 15–30% protein (typically 20%) and the amino acids of flax protein have no limiting factors in the adult diet (i.e., they are a complete protein source having all of the essential amino acids in an appropriate balance). Flax seeds are also a source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper. They also have demonstrated antioxidant activity. The most important antioxidants they provide are phytoestrogens known as lignans.

The human body easily digests flax seeds. The seed’s outer layer is rich in mucilloid soluble fiber (flax seed possesses 10–15% soluble fiber) and absorbs at least four times its weight in water. When mixed with water or stomach juices, the seeds form a gel that creates a physical barrier between the carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down. The carbohydrates thereby are digested and converted into glucose (blood sugar) at a slow, uniform rate. There is no insulin surge or spike needed to lower the blood sugar level. The water-retaining capacity of the gel also maintains bodily hydration (i.e., helping level out water intake) and electrolyte balance.


We have chosen to include certified organic hemp protein with fiber in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs. This raw whole food protein powder is rich in complete protein, branch chain amino acids, omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids and healthy dietary fiber. Our certified organic hemp protein powder is cold milled from certified organic hemp seed and contains contains 37% protein, 43% fiber and 10% fat. The product contains no genetically modified organisms, no additives or preservatives, no THC, and is kosher certified.


We have added the following vitamins to the formula: Vitamin C (250 mg), Vitamin E as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate (90 IU) and high gamma mixed tocopherols (25 mg), Vitamin D3 (1,000 IU), Vitamin K1 (0.5 mg), inositol (100 mg), choline (50 mg), calcium pantothenate (30 mg), niacinamide (60 mg), pantethine (13 mg), pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (10 mg), thiamin diphosphate (7.5 mg), riboflavin-5′-phosphate (6.8 mg), calcium folinate (1 mg), biotin (0.9 mg), and methylcobalamin (0.2 mg).

While coenzyme vitamins usually cost significantly more than the synthesized vitamins (up to 50 times more), they remain quite affordable because they are only required by the body in very small amounts. That is, the body only needs small amounts because there are no in vivo losses related to any conversion processes. We therefore include coenzyme form vitamins in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs in quantities helpful to the body.

The inclusion of coenyzme forms of vitamins significantly contributes to making our supplement formulas more effective than if we used conventional (i.e., non-coenzyme form) vitamins. Moreover, it increases effectiveness without substantially raising our costs. Thus, the benefits considerably outweigh the costs, especially for individuals who consume our formulas, thereby reaping the benefits coenzyme vitamins offer for human health and well being.


The complexity and significant amounts of proteins and peptides found in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs requires the combination of multiple proteases to optimize digestion. Proteins are made up of over twenty different amino acids, with each combination presenting different characteristics. Each of the proteolytic enzymes in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs offers different abilities to break the chemical bonds found in the proteins. However, the combination of enyzmes shows the greatest rate of hydrolysis.

Peptidase breaks amino acids off the ends of the peptide chain. Our proprietary enzyme complex contains both amino-peptidase and carboxy-peptidase activities, and therefore it can remove amino acids from both ends of the peptide chain. Protease 4.5 breaks bonds at points within the peptide chain dependent upon their bond specificities. Significant action of this enzyme has been seen both in the laboratory and in digestive product usage. Protease 4.5 has an optimal pH of 4.5 (pH range 2.0 to 6.0). Protease 6.0 has an optimal pH of 6.0 (pH range 4.0 to 11.0). Together these proteases provide proteolytic action throughout the human digestive system.

Because Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs contains a large amount of plant-based ingredients, we have added the enzyme cellulase to the formula. Cellulase offers distinct advantages for individuals consuming large amounts of vegetable matter. This enzyme hydrolyzes the bonds in various fibers. Cellulase hydrolyzes glucose-glucose bonds in cellulose. By disrupting the structure of the fiber matrices that envelop most of the nutrients in plants, cellulase increases the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.


Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs includes inulin (from chicory root), xylitol (from organic hardwoods), mannitol (a powerful superoxide free-radical trapper), malic acid (a Krebs cycle intermediate), organic mixed berry flavoring, organic vanilla flavoring, and stevia leaf extract. We include these ingredients in order to provide prebiotics, enhanced taste, and various health benefits.


We demand high-quality source materials containing the most biologically active and effective ingredients available. The aloe vera selected for Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs meets our high standards. This aloe vera extract combines ground breaking research and state-of-the-art manufacturing to preserve and enhance aloe vera’s natural benefits in the form of ACTIValoe™, a standardized certified organic Aloe vera with 10% total polysaccharides by weight.

The purity and quality of ACTIValoe™ is verified by scientific analysis (i.e., Proton NMR Analysis, HPLC, SEC, etc.) and is certified by the International Aloe Science Council for its content and purity. Furthermore, ACTIValoe™ is guaranteed to retain biological activity to help deliver the healing properties of Aloe vera.

Biologically active aloe is believed to reduce severe joint and muscle pain associated with arthritis, as well as pain related to tendinitis and injuries. When applied directly to the area of pain, aloe vera penetrates the skin to soothe the pain. Studies have also found that ingestion of biologically active aloe on a daily basis can help prevent and cause a regression of adjutant arthritis.

Aloe vera extract can relieve gastrointestinal problems and may be one of the plant’s most ancient uses. Even today, people consume aloe vera to help relieve ulcerous, gastrointestinal and kidney problems. People have described improved regularity, greater intestinal comfort and enhanced energy levels after ingesting biologically active aloe vera. In addition, many who have suffered from indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, increased stomach acid, peptic and duodenal ulcers, and colitis report relief from these conditions following ingestion of aloe vera.

Coronary heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the US. However, studies suggest that the ingestion of aloe vera may have a beneficial effect on the accumulation of blood fat lipids associated with the disease.

Test groups given aloe vera showed a decrease in total cholesterol, triglyceride, phospholipid, and nonesterified fatty acid levels, each of which, when elevated, seem to accelerate the accumulation of fatty material in large and medium-sized arteries, including the coronary arteries of the heart.



In the early 1950s, the Japanese researcher Fujimaki separated a previously undiscovered substance from a hot-water extract of chlorella that is now known as “Chlorella Growth Factor” (CGF). CGF is a nucleotide-peptide complex comprised mostly of nucleic acid derivatives.

The sugars identified in the nucleotide include glucose, mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, galactose, and xylose. Amino acids found in the peptide include glutamine, alanine, serine, glycine, proline, asparagine, threonine, lysine, cysteine, tyrosine, and leucine.

It is known that CGF is produced during intense photosynthesis and enables chlorella to grow extremely rapidly. During this process, a single cell may multiply into four daughter cells as rapidly as every 20 hours. CGF not only promotes this rate of reproduction, but also is itself rapidly increased.

In Japan, Dr. Yoshiro Takechi showed that CGF stimulates lactobaccilus (the “good” bacteria) to grow at four times the usual rate. Experiments with microorganisms, young animals, and children have demonstrated that CGF promotes faster than normal growth. In adults and mature organisms, CGF appears to enhance the functions of nucleic acids at the cellular level that relate to the production of proteins, enzymes, and energy, as well as to stimulate tissue repair and offer protection against toxic substances at the cellular level.


D-Ribose (ribose) is a sweet, crystalline, water-soluble powder. It is a naturally occurring 5-carbon sugar found in all living cells. Ribose is a component of RNA and therefore essential for living creatures. It is also a component of ATP, NADH, and other metabolism-related substances.

The biological importance of ribose relates to the fact that it is the rate-limiting compound that regulates the activity of the purine nucleotide pathway of adenine nucleotide metabolism. As such, ribose plays a central role in the synthesis of ATP, coenzyme-A, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), DNA, RNA, and other important cellular constituents.

Ribose is the only known compound the body can use for performing this critical metabolic function. Specifically, ribose administration bypasses the slow and rate-limited pentose phosphate pathway to stimulate adenine nucleotide synthesis and salvage in vivo. In addition, it has been shown that de novo adenine nucleotide synthesis in skeletal muscle is rate limited by the availability of ribose.

D-ribose is commonly found in foods, especially foods high in RNA (ribonucleic acid), such as brewer’s yeast. D-ribose is essential for life and can be made by the body (e.g., from glucose). However, d-ribose from food sources can significantly boost the amount of ribose available to the body, thereby enhancing processes that utilize it.

Ribose derivatives play a significant role in the body. Important ribose derivatives encompass those having phosphate groups attached at the 5 position, including mono-, di-, and triphosphate forms, and 3-5 cyclic monophosphates. Diphosphate dimers, known as coenzymes, form an essential class of compounds with ribose. When such purine and pyrimidine derivatives are coupled with ribose, they are known as nucleosides(bases attached to ribose). Phosphorylated nucleosides are known as nucleotides. When adenine (a purine derivative) is coupled to ribose it is known as adenosine. ATP is the 5′-triphosphate derivative of adenosine. (The adenine portion of ATP consists of ribose and adenine. The triphosphate portion of ATP consists of three phosphate molecules.)

Ribose therefore is found in many important biological molecules, including adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nucleotides and nucleotide enzymes, and in RNA. D-ribose (as ribonucleoside diphosphates) notably converts to deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates, precursor molecules for DNA.

Ribose generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body. Supplemental ribose increases the rate at which ATP is generated, thereby improving exercise performance and enabling faster muscle growth. This is possible because supplemental ribose enables the body to bypass the conversion steps needed to create or re-create the adenosine nucleotide. Replacing adenine nucleotides normally takes time for the body to accomplish, and this process can reduce the rate of healing and repair (e.g., of muscle fibers). Supplemental ribose essentially increases the speed at which adenosine nucleotides can be replaced by providing raw material for the creation of more ATP.

Ribose similarly has been shown to boost synthesis and salvage of other nucleotides in the body, including those found in heart and skeletal muscle. Supplemental ribose again bypasses the rate-limiting conversion processes (i.e., of the pentose phosphate pathway), thereby speeding syntheses of nucleotides that provide energy to these tissues.


Nucleotides are the molecular building blocks of DNA and RNA. They are chemical compounds consisting of a heterocyclic base, a 5-carbon sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and at least one phosphate group. They are the monomers of nucleic acids, and 3 or more can bond together to form a nucleic acid.

Nucleosides are glycosylamines consisting of a base (or nucleobase) to a ribose (or deoxyribose) ring. Some nucleosides are cytidine, adenosine, guanosine, and inosine. When nucleosides are phosphorylated in cells, they produce nucleotides (see above).

Given the importance of ribose as an essential part of nucleic acids, nucleotides, nucleosides, its role in the production of energy (as ATP), and its ability to increase synthesis and salvage of nucleotides in the body, the inclusion of ribose in a formula designed to provide high levels of nucleic acids appears especially appropriate.


Nutritional yeast belongs to the same family of organisms as edible mushrooms. It may be considered man’s oldest industrial micro-organism. For more than 50 years, our supplier has been manufacturing primary grown nutritional yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), grown specifically for its nutritional value. After the fermentation process is completed the yeast is harvested, thoroughly washed, pasteurized, and dried on roller drum dryers. The special growth medium and unique drying process are the secrets to the exceptional performance of the nutritional yeast in our product.

The result is a high-quality non-GMO product containing protein (approximately 48%) composed of essential and non-essential amino acids, dietary fiber, B-complex vitamins, and minerals such as selenium, chromium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, manganese, iron, and zinc.

Nutritional yeast is extraordinarily rich in nucleic acids. In fact, nutritional yeast contains approximately 6% RNA among the highest of known foods.

In Dr. Frank’s protocols described in his book Nucleic Acid Nutrition and Therapy he used both nutritional yeast and high RNA extracts of nutritional yeast to obtain healing and regeneration.

Furthermore, nutritional yeast contains additional functional and beneficial components such as beta-1,3 glucan, trehalose, mannan and glutathione. Studies have show that these components have potential health benefits such as, improved immune response, normalization of cholesterol, and cellular normalization properties.


Rice bran solubles are one of the most nutrient-dense superfoods available today. They derive entirely from rice. Specifically, they are a highly concentrated soluble carbohydrate and lipid-rich component of stabilized rice bran (i.e., a non-chemically modified water-soluble fraction). They are also a complete, great-tasting, natural source of B-complex vitamins (i.e., thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6) and contain many other nutrients, including amino acids, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients, rice bran solubles are one of the world’s perfect whole foods, lacking only a few trace minerals.

In fact, our non-GMO rice bran solubles product offers at least 29 vitamins and minerals, and more than 90 antioxidants. Among these are lipoic acid (useful in blood glucose control), tocopherols, and tocotrienols (which may have a positive effect on cholesterol levels).

Alpha tocotrienol has been shown to provide up to fifty times more antioxidant power than alpha tocopherol. Rice bran solubles also contain essential fatty acids, including phospholipids, gamma oryzanol, ferulic acid, and phytosterols.

Certain antioxidants in rice bran solubles are documented as supportive in retarding the aging process and combating fee radicals. They strengthen the body’s ability to regenerate and increase energy and stamina.

Our producer of the stabilized brown rice bran in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs utilizes a process that reliably inactivates the lipase in rice bran while retaining the rest of the food’s chemistry. This is done with a mechanical extrusion process that forces the grain to deform as it squeezes through small openings in a metal die. The high rate of deformation during extrusion causes just the right amount of internal heating for the precise amount of time needed to inactivate the lipase. The result is a stabilized rice bran product that retains most of the vital nutrients of fresh rice bran, but has a shelf life measured in years rather than hours.


• Gamma oryzanol, beta sitosteryl ferulate, and five other related compounds. These are potent antioxidants and trace nutrients that play a vital role in many aspects of human physiology. Gamma oryzanol is found only in rice bran and has been used successfully in dealing with female hormone imbalances.
 Tocopherols and Tocotrienols – These include all of the eight known forms of Vitamin E including d-alpha tocopherol. The importance of the other forms is probably at least equal to the alpha form.

• Polyphenols, including ferulic acid, alpha-lipoic acid, and four other polyphenols. Lipoic acid plays an important role in sugar metabolism at the cellular level and is a powerful antioxidant. Ferulic acid also is a powerful antioxidant.

• Important minerals magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous, as well as manganese and other trace minerals. Minerals are involved in all of the enzyme functions of the body including those involved in energy production.

• Phytosterols, including beta sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, and at least eleven more. Phytosterols have been shown to prevent the absorption of cholesterol, support healthy prostate function, and help to build immune function.

• Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, alpha carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and more. Although beta-carotene is commonly sold as a single-ingredient supplement, alpha-carotene may in fact be more important. Lycopene is responsible for some of the recent health claims relating to tomatoes, and lutein and zeaxanthin play key roles in retinal function.

• Essential amino acids including tryptophan, histidine, methionine, cysteine, cystine, and arginine. Amino acids are the body’s basic materials for building all of its enzymes, DNA, RNA, and connective tissue.

• Nine B vitamins supporting the body’s metabolic machinery, polysaccharides (known among other functions to support immunity), and phospholipids. Phospholipids are vital to maintaining healthy cell membranes.

• Lecithin, which provides the important phospholipids phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl serine.

• Seven identified enzymes, including coenzyme Q10 and superoxide dismutase (an important antioxidant).


In recent years, there is renewed interest in the health benefits and dietary requirements of lecithin. Growing evidence now suggests that dietary lecithin is important preventing many pathologic conditions. Lecithin is used as a dietary supplement for purpose of treating or preventing several human diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, arteriosclerosis, and certain deficiencies of brain function and memory. In fact, the most recent research has shown that lecithin is an essential dietary component for ensuring optimal nutrition.

Lecithin and its component phosphatidyl choline are known to be essential for liver function. In fact, even a few weeks on a choline-deficient diet has been shown to cause abnormalities in liver function. Studies in primate models of alcohol-induced cirrhosis have shown that lecithin protects the body from alcohol liver damage. This is a particularly important finding because liver cirrhosis caused by excessive intake of alcohol is the fourth leading cause of death in people 25–64 years of age in the US.

Lecithin has also been shown to be essential for proper brain development in infants and children. Supplementing animal diets with lecithin at during specific times of brain development has been shown permanently to increase cognitive function.


Magnesium is one of the most abundant, available metals on earth, and plays crucial roles in the sustenance of life and its chemical processes. The divalent nature of the magnesium cation makes it an ideal activator for enzyme systems. Estimates for its usage in human body systems include over fifty different biochemical reactions and its necessary presence for the operation of over 300 enzymes.

Magnesium is essential for energy production, maintenance of electrolyte balance, and neuromuscular function. Investigations into rates of magnesium deficiency show that individuals in developed countries are at remarkably high risk for magnesium deficiency.

The suspected primary cause of this risk for deficiency are inadequate, depleted diets that are high in processed foods (from which magnesium is removed but not replaced).

There are several nutritional requirements in the body in order for mitochondria to manufacture ATP. These essential nutrients include oxygen, magnesium, food substrate, ADP, and inorganic phosphate, as well as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6 in their phosphorylated coenzyme forms.

The body also needs adequate stores of malate (an important Krebs cycle intermediate) in order for most of these nutrients to function effectively in the process of ATP production. When any of these nutrients are not present in adequate amounts within the mitochondria, a vicious cycle can occur in which ATP is not created in amounts sufficient for proper cellular functioning.

Insufficient amounts of ATP mean that the B vitamins may not be adequately phosphorylated leading to improper metabolism and further reductions in ATP production. The much less efficient anaerobic production of ATP will be utilized to a greater extent in such cases.

A balance point may be reached in which the body produces only a fraction of the optimal amount of ATP. Under these conditions muscle weakness and fatigue may occur.

Abraham and Flechas report that supplementing the diet with magnesium may reverse such conditions of low energy (Jrnl of Nutritional Medicine 3: 49-59).

For the above reasons, we have included magnesium in Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs from magnesium malate (providing both magnesium and malate) and magnesium ascorbate (providing additional magnesium as well as Vitamin C).


Dulse is a sea vegetable (i.e., seaweed) that is a rich source of iron, potassium, iodine, Vitamin B6, riboflavin, and dietary fiber. It provides a wide range of minerals, trace elements, enzymes and phytochemicals, as well as some high-quality vegetable protein. Our certified organic raw dulse is sustainably harvested from well-protected coastal passages and low temperature dried.


Folinic acid, also known as 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate, is one active form in a group of vitamins known as folates. In contrast to folic acid, a synthetic form of folate, folinic acid is one of the forms of folate found naturally in foods. Folate deficiency is believed to be the most common vitamin deficiency in the world due to food processing, food selection, and intestinal disorders. In the body folinic acid may be converted into any of the other active forms of folate.

Folate coenzymes are responsible for the following important metabolic functions: 1) Formation of purines and pyrimidines which, in turn, are needed for synthesis of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. 2) Formation of heme, the iron-containing protein in hemoglobin, 3) Interconversion of the 3-carbon amino acid serine from the 2-carbon amino acid glycine, 4) Formation of the amino acids tyrosine from phenylalanine and glutamic acid from histidine, 5) Formation of the amino acid methionine from homocysteine (Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin also is needed for this conversion). Elevated levels of homocysteine have been implicated in a wide range of health disorders. In the reconversion of homocysteine to methionine the body uses the methionine to make the important amino acid s-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) which is known to be helpful in cases of depression, 6) Synthesis of choline from ethanolamine, 7) Formation and maturation of red and white blood cells, and 8) Conversion of nicotinamide to N’-methylnicotinamide.


Methylcobalamin is one of two coenzyme forms of B12 (along with adenosylcobalamin) and can be used directly by the body without metabolic conversion.

Vitamin B12 is involved in numerous important body functions, including: 1) Red blood cell formation and control of pernicious anemia, 2) The synthesis and function of nerve tissue, such as myelin, 3) The metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins (Vitamin B12 is necessary for the conversion of methylmalonate to succinic acid, an important Krebs cycle intermediate in energy production), 4) The synthesis or transfer of single carbon units (e.g., allowing the interconversion of serine and glycine and the conversion of homocysteine to methionine), 5) Serving as a coenzyme in the biosynthesis of methyl groups, and 6) Involvement in reactions that convert disulfides (S-S) to the important sulfhydryl group (S-H).



Rice Protein, Vegetable Sprouts Protein (65% protein – organic), Hemp Protein with fiber (37% protein – organic), Flaxseed Powder, Rice Bran Solubles, D-Ribose, Blueberry powder (organic freeze dried), Cranberry powder (freeze dried), Strawberry powder (organic freeze dried), Raspberry powder (organic freeze dried), Nutritional Yeast (brewers yeast), Lecithin (98% oil free, high phosphatide, non-GMO, from sunflower seeds), Xylitol (from organic hardwood), Mannitol, Inulin/fructooligosaccharides (chicory root), VitaBerry Plus, L-Lysine (USP grade), Vanilla Flavoring (organic), Mixed Berry Flavoring (organic), RNA from yeast, Vitamin C (from Mg ascorbate), Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), Burdock Root (organic), Astragalus Root (organic), Turmeric (organic), Proprietary Enzyme Blend (Protease, Peptidase, Cellulase), Ginger Root (organic), L-Malic Acid, Rhodiola rosea (root) (3% rosavins), k-Rutin™, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Milk Thistle Standardized Extract (82% silymarin), Licorice (root) (organic), Kelp (organic), Dulse (organic), Inositol, Green Tea Extract (95% polyphenols), Dandelion Root (organic), Aloe vera (ActivAloe 200:1 – organic), Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate), Magnesium (from Mg malate), Stevia Leaf Extract, Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B3 (niacinamide), BioVin® Grape Extract, Choline (from bitartrate), Immune-Assist (organic medicinal mushrooms), Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin E (high-gamma mixed tocopherols), Vitamin B5 Pantethine, Germanium Sesquioxide, Resveratrol (from polygonum cuspidatum), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5′-phosphate), Vitamin B1 (thiamin diphosphate), Magnesium (from Mg ascorbate), Biotin, Folinic Acid (from calcium folinate), Vitamin K1 (as phylloquinone), Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), Selenium (from l-Selenomethionine), and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).


There are three unique superfoods in the Rejuvenate! line. They are Rejuvenate! (Original), Rejuvenate! PLUS, and Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs. A complete side-by-side comparison of these superfoods is available.



“Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs is Rich in RNA, Plant Proteins” (by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger)

“Rejuvenate!™ PLUS Superfood is High in DNA and RA with Sprouts, Chlorella and More” (by Mike Adams)

“Superfood for Cellular Survival” (by Dr. Mark Sircus)


“9 Things to Know About Rejuvenate!™ Superfoods”

“High-RNA Rejuvenate!™ Superfood”

“Rejuvenate! – The Original, High-RNA Superfood”

“The Amazing Healing Potential of Natural Nrf2 Activators”

Review of Scientific Research on Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC)



Super-Tasty Morning Nutritional Drinks

Superfood Bars with Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs


Dr. Frank’s No-Aging Diet: Eat and Grow Younger. Dial Press, 1976.

Nucleic Acid Nutrition and Therapy. Rainstone Publishing, 1977

Nucleic Acid and Anti Oxidant Therapy of Aging and Degeneration. Royal Health Books, 1977.

Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease–A Metabolic Approach with DNA, RNA, and Related Metabolites. Psychological Library, 1968.

The Problem of Age, Growth and Death. C.S. Minot. Putnam’s Sons, 1908.

“On the influence of nucleic acids of various origin upon the growth and longevity of the white mouse. ” T. Brailsford Robertson. Australian J. Exp Biol Med Sci, 1928, 5: 47–67.

“The effect of yeast nucleic acid on the survival time of 600 day old albino mice.” Thomas Gardner. J Gerontol, 1946, 1: 445–456

“Prolongation of the life span in rats.” Max Odens. J. American Geriatrics Soc., 1973, XXI: 450–451.


Interview with Dr. Hank Liers, Part 1: Nutritional supplements and cellular energy

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 2: High-RNA superfoods

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 3: Chemical sensitivities and chlorella detoxification

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 4: Reversing mass chemical contamination

Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 5: Superior nutrition for pet health


Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs

Rejuvenate!™ PLUS

Rejuvenate!™ (Original)

Rejuvenate! Superfoods: Side-by-Side Comparison

Ultimate Protector™ Nrf2 Activator


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