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Fred Liers PhD foundational supplements nutritionHPDI foundational supplements are designed to provide a complete range of essential nutrients that complement a healthy diet and lifestyle. They help ensure sufficient levels of nutrients required for good health.

We define foundational supplements as basic or “core” supplements that should be part of everyone’s daily regimen. They are the foundation of a complete nutritional supplement program.

HPDI has a three-tiered system of nutritional supplements: 1) Foundational Supplements, 2) Enhancement Formulas, and 3) Specific-Condition Formulas. All three tiers comprise a complete nutritional supplement program.

When properly combined, these three tiers of nutritional supplements help create optimal health. This month, I explain how to use HPDI foundational supplements, the base or bottom tier of the system (see cone diagram below).

The HPDI supplement system can be visualized as a cone having a base of Foundational Supplements ascending toward an apex of Enhancement Formulas and Specific Condition Formulas.

foundational supplements HPDI system
The HPDI Supplement System includes six types of Foundational Supplements forming its base.


My intent is to guide consumers and health care professionals to decide the foundational supplements that are best for their purposes, and that provide the most effective results.

For anyone new to HPDI’s Foundational Supplements system, we recommend six basic types of supplements. The six categories are: 1) multivitamin formulas, 2) vitamin C / antioxidant formulas, 3) essential fats, 4) high-RNA foods (Rejuvenate! superfoods), 5) gut health formulas, and 6) hydrogen formulas.

We established the original three types of foundational supplements about 1988. We have always suggested that clients and health professionals take and/or recommend multivitamins, vitamin C and antioxidants, and essential fats.

About 10 years ago, we added high-RNA foods (like Rejuvenate! superfoods) as a fourth type of foundational supplement because research indicates dietary nucleic acids are essential nutrients—see our blog articles on nucleic acids, Benjamin S. Frank, MD, PhD, and about Rejuvenate! superfoods (Original, Plus, and Berries & Herbs).

Two categories of foundational supplements are new: gut health formulas and hydrogen formulas. Hank wrote an article (Amending the HPDI Foundational Program) about these changes in April. We added these two categories after much consideration regarding their benefits, and have written extensively about them in this blog (see resources section below).

The entire HPDI supplement system is depicted (above) as a cone. The six types of foundational supplements form the base of the cone. Enhancement Formulas and Specific-Condition formulas sit above toward the apex.

ultimate protector foundational supplements
Ultimate Protector Nrf2 formula is a foundational supplement in the vitamin C / antioxidant category.


I use all six types of HPDI foundational supplements. I take the following supplements (below) and present them here as an example of how they can be integrated into a complete supplement regimen. Foundational Supplements I take:

1. Multivitamin: Hank & Brian’s Mighty Multi-Vite! (4 per day in divided doses)

2. Vitamin C / antioxidants: PRO-C (6-8 per day) and Ultimate Protector Nrf2 activator (8-12 per day)

3. Essential Fats: Essential Fats Plus E (4 per day)

4. Rejuvenate!™ superfood: All three Rejuvenate! superfoods (2-8 scoops per day)

5. Gut Health: RESTORE For Gut Health (1-2 ounces per day) and Terraflora™ synbiotic (with soil-based organisms) (1-3 per week)

6. Hydrogen: Megahydrate (2-6 per day)

Taking one supplement from each of the six foundational supplement categories builds, supports, and maintains optimal health.

We at HPDI recommend everyone take one of each type of foundational supplement. That is, we suggest an individual select for personal use a multivitamin, vitamin C/antioxidant formula, essential fats formula, Rejuvenate!™ superfood (or other high-RNA superfood), hydrogen product, and at least one gut health product (depending on their gut-health needs).

Similarly we suggest health care professionals recommend for their clients one of each of the six types of foundational supplements.

The other two categories in the HPDI nutritional supplement system are Enhancement Formulas and Specific-Condition Formulas (see cone diagram). These are not foundational supplements. However, I include the supplements I take in these categories for the sake of completeness, as well as to show how Enhancement and Specific-Condition Formulas integrate with Foundational Supplements to form a complete supplement program providing a wide-range of essential nutrients required for health.

Enhancement Formulas I take include: B-Complex-50 (B complex), Myo-Mag (magnesium/malic acid), Ubiquinol-50, Bone Guardian, and Vitamin D3 Plus.

Specific Condition Formulas I take include: Joint Health Formula, Allergy Support Formula, Eye & Vision Formula, Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula, and Warrior Mist (pain topical), and Warrior Sleep (sleep topical).

While I take supplements from all three categories (Foundationals, Enhancements, and Specific-Condition) in the HPDI supplement system, I always prioritize foundational supplements—I take them first—because they are base on which my personal supplement program rests.

Foundational supplements should be the base on which your supplement program—or those of your clients—rests, as well.

We have seen the results of taking a complete set of foundational supplements. They work because the nutrients they provide are needed by everyone.

HPDI foundational supplements multivitamin
Muti Two Caps is a high-potency multi with coenzyme forms for optimal utilization in the body.


Individuals who take all types of foundational supplements do best in terms of optimizing health. The reason is that all six types provide nutrients required for good health.

I can attest that HPDI Foundational Supplements are effective for improving or maintaining good health. In addition, I have witnessed numerous instances where individuals benefit most greatly when taking all four–and now all six–types of foundational supplements.

Each of the six categories of foundational supplement provide unique benefits. Yet, each performs functions required by the human body for good health. That is one reason when they are combined they exert synergistic effects for health going far beyond the benefits of using, one, two, or three of the types of foundational supplements.


I talk to people who may or may not take a multivitamin. And they may or may not take vitamin C. Yet, they may take calcium for their bones, glucosamine for their joints, and lutein for their eyes. Or they may take a low-potency, off-the-shelf multivitamin providing merely the RDA for all nutrients.

There is nothing wrong with individuals taking supplements they regard as important or useful. But that cannot guarantee that a wide range—and sufficient levels—of nutrients necessary for health are available to the body on a regular basis.

In fact, I regard the supplement intake programs of most persons to be “hit-or-miss.” They may consume nutrients important for a few functions in the body, yet fail to obtain other essential nutrients required for the nutrients they take to work most effectively. We have written extensively on this topic on our website and in blog articles (see below).

Not taking regularly a complete set of foundational supplements likely means key nutrients (and key levels of nutrients) go missing. Over time, this means fewer and lower levels of nutrients available to support the body’s needs for them at levels known to sustain the good health.

The best way to ensure a sufficient range of nutrients at plentiful levels is to take foundational supplements. After a baseline of nutrients is established by taking foundational supplements, additional supplements can be added, as necessary.

rejuvenate superfood foundational supplements
High-RNA foods like Rejuvenate! PLUS superfood provide dietary nucleic acids important for health.


After obtaining sufficient levels of basic nutrients required for health, then a person can add (or you can recommend) specific nutrients or formulas that target certain problems or issues. This is the basis for HPDI development of Enhancement Formulas and Specific-Condition Formulas.

Nutritional supplements in the categories of Enhancement Formulas and Specific-Condition Formulas therefore “stack” on top of HPDI’s Foundational Supplements (see cone diagram above). In this way, a complete nutritional supplement program begins with the most essential nutrients and continues with customizations based on the unique needs of an individual.


Enhancement Formulas in the HPDI system are supplements we regard as falling into the next tier in terms of importance, at least for most people. They do not necessarily provide essential nutrients, and yet many people (including myself) benefit significantly from them.

Enhancement Formulas include: magnesium formulas (topical and capsule), Vitamin D3 Plus, Nascent Iodine, Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), mushroom-based products (like Immune-Assist™), Prolyt (proteolytic enzymes), Digase (plant-based enzymes), and Warrior Mist (topical pain reliever), and many other formulas.


In the HPDI system, individuals can add (in a modular way) various formulas and single nutrients designed to support a particular set of needs or a target a specific condition.

We offer a complete range of supplements (almost 100) including a range of supplements formulated to address specific conditions. These include Joint Health Formula, Eye & Vision Formula, Blood Sugar Support, Allergy Support Plus, Prosta Plus, and many other formulas.


HPDI Foundational Supplements collectively form the base tier of a complete nutritional supplement system comprised of three tiers: 1) Foundational Supplements (six types), 2) Enhancement Formulas (or simply “Enhancements”), and 3) Specific-Condition Formulas.

Foundational Supplements are necessary because they provide nutrients foundational to health. Taking them daily or recommending your clients take them daily can help mean big differences in health, nutrition, and quality of life.

We at HPDI design our nutritional supplements to be the most effective dietary supplements available. HPDI products are known for: 1) Advanced Formulation (including use of superior forms of nutrients), 2) Ultra-High Purity, 3) Avoidance of Harmful Ingredients, and 4) being made with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). For more details, please see The HPDI Difference and our Statement on Additives (Excipients).

At least 40 of HPDI’s products are formulated by Dr. Hank Liers. They fall in all categories in HPDI’s supplement system. They can be found under “Dr. Hank Liers original formulas.”

omega plus foundational supplement
Omega Plus provides exceptionally well-balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


We frequently get questions from HPDI clients and resellers regarding foundational supplements. These questions include:

“Why did you add gut health and hydrogen products to your foundational supplements program?”
We found it necessary to add categories for gut health and hydrogen because they provide nutrients that are support the body and help ensure the foundational supplement system supports health most effectively. You can read more in previous blog articles (see below).

“Which is the better multivitamin: Multi Two or Mighty Multi-Vite!™?”
It depends on whether you need more B vitamins or antioxidants. Multi Two provides more B vitamins and Mighty Multi-Vite™ provides more antioxidants and cofactors. I take a separate HPDI B-Complex-50 formula, so I take Mighty Multi-Vite!™ as my primary multivitamin.

“What are the differences between Rejuvenate!™ Original, PLUS, and Berries & Herbs superfoods?”
They each provide about 340 mg of dietary nucleic acids. Original is the “greenest” with a large percentage of dietary nucleic acids coming from chlorella and spirunlina. PLUS is our most popular and 30% is identical to Original with more protein and a built-in multivitamin complex. Berries & Herbs contains no greens, yet more nucleic acids (390 mg), protein, and a built-in multivitamin. See our Rejuvenate! comparison page for more information.

“Should I take a vitamin C formula with antioxidants like PRO-C or one with Nrf2 activators like Ultimate Protector?”
Both provide vitamin C and Nrf2 activators, but Ultimate Protector provides more types of Nrf2 activators. Ultimate Protector capsules are smaller than PRO-C capsules, so a daily dose may require taking more capsules.

“How important are hydrogen supplements?”
Very important for energy production, recovery, antioxidant functions, and gut health. Hydrogen supplements like Active H2 and Megahydrate ensure high levels of hydrogen are available in the body.

What are your best products for supporting gut health?
It depends on your needs: cleansing (Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula), probiotic/microbiome support (Terraflora™), or tightening tight junctions in the gut (RESTORE)? We offer products for all these purposes.

These are just a few questions frequently asked about HPDI foundational supplements. If you need more information about products, please contact the HPDI office (800-228-4265) or email

You can also contact Fred Liers, PhD (520-400-0155) or Hank Liers, PhD (formulator) with questions you may have regarding products, ingredients, or formulation.


Foundational Supplements

HPDI Full Product Overview

The Need for Foundational Supplements (.pdf)

The HPDI Difference (4 Pillars of Formulation)


Amending the HPDI Foundational Supplements Program

Foundational Supplements Remain Fundamental

Vitamin C / Antioxidants

PRO-C and Ultimate Protector Comparison

Questions and Answers about Ultimate Protector

The Amazing Healing Potential of Natural Nrf2 Activators

Ultimate Protector™: First Impressions

Ultimate Protector™ Brunswick Labs ORAC5.0™ Test Results

Preventing Free-Radical Damage Using Ultimate Protector™

Description and Comparison of ORAC Tests for Well Known Plant Ingredients and Ultimate Protector™

Ultimate Protector and the Role of Foundational Supplements for Health

Natural Phytochemical Nrf2 Activators for Chemoprevention

New Directions for Preventing Free Radical Damage

Review of Scientific Research on Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC)” by Dr. Hank Liers

“Vitamin C – An Amazing Nutrient” by Dr. Hank Liers

Rejuvenate! Superfoods

Rejuvenate! Berries & Herbs: Ingredients for Optimal Nutrition

9 Things to Know About Rejuvenate!™ Superfoods

High-RNA Rejuvenate!™ Superfood

Get Results with Rejuvenate! Superfoods

Dietary RNA for Athletic Performance



Super-Tasty Morning Nutritional Drinks


The Science Behind Megahydrate

Hydrogen for Optimal Health

Wonders of Molecular Hydrogen

Gut Health

Gut Health – Effects of Glyphosate and Antibiotics

Gut Health – Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula


Vitamin formulas, including multivitamins

Mighty Multi-Vite!

Multi Two Caps

Rejuvenate!™ Berries & Herbs

Rejuvenate!™ PLUS

Rejuvenate!™ (Original)

Rejuvenate! Superfoods: Product Comparison

Ultimate Protector™ Nrf2 Activator (vitamin C/antioxidant)

PRO-C (Vitamin C/Antioxidant formula)

Intestinal Rejuvenation Formula (gut health)

Restore For Gut Health (lignite formula)

Active H2 (hydrogen)

Megahydrate (hydrogen)

Terraflora™ (synbiotic)


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